

New Member
A revolutionary game made by the mind behind "The Sims", "Sims 2" and "Sim City" , the game is based around evolution and you start as a single celled organism, moving all the way through into a UFO piloting super creature... To check more out you should check out some of the forums, I can't really provide a huge amount of detail because, well frankly I am a little bit too lazy to type the amazing amount of detail to this game. I'll just quickly post a little bit about the editor (Creature). Every stage of evolution has it's own specific editor, the Creature editor is the most highly anticipated (supposedly based on polls). It is fully versatile, You start with a small "blob" kind of thing which can be fattened thinned and constructed EXACTLY as you want it... Tonnes of items you can equip well I wouldn't call them items, more like creature parts... there is mouths noses weapons (claws etc.) limbs hands feet ears decorative items, plus even though there are over 120 things in the editor they all have morph channels, so lets say we have a human feet, we can use the morph channel to change the size of the toes, length of the toes, Which way the feet point... Very many things... I truly suggest you check it out and if I could figure out how to post pictures on the forums (mods help here please?) I would gladly post you a few pictures of some of the creatures possible. Just a quote before I end this post "I want to make something that an average player can use to make what a pixar artist makes in about 30 clicks." Oh I forgot to mention the texturing step, The texturing is amazing, basically you choose the colour and the texture and it does it all, it's amazing... It knows the where to put the shades and shadow (etc.)... Plus if you choose "back stripes" it uses the information is has been given (from your creation) and figures out what the back is... the same goes for stomach stripes (etc.) It's quite amazing, plus it has a 20,000:1 compression rate, so therefore it can be transported as tiny little bits of data then loaded on your computer, Ahh theres so much to tell... I'm going to keep going anyway... The game is what Will Wright calls "Massively Single Player or MSPOG - Massively Single Player Offline Game"... The reason is because your creatures are transported to other worlds, therefore you are never the "STRONGEST" creature in the game, you are a medium level creature most of the time, Also I don't want to seem like I'm ranting but this is an AMAZING game... I promise you will love it...

EDIT: Oh and I really like www.hookedonspore.com , is a great site for new Spore info, full of Spore and Cookie Crazed people ^_^


New Member
I can promise you, you will love it Fladian... And if you don't I will no joke get a bottle of syrup and pour it all through my hardrive then light my new sound system on fire with petrol and smash my monitor with a sledge hammer, then I will pour water all through the keyboard and throw my mouse into a wall... (Please like it ^_^)


New Member
Kind of a shame to do that with your computer... unless you were already intending to get a new one. But I won't promise that I like anything in particular, as I have been playing only one game lately... and not even that all that much. Besides, I still have an MMORPG I should try (I posted about it in the Games section several months ago). Especially now that I have a new computer, I should be able to play it properly...

*suddenly feels like downloading that MMORPG*


New Member
Well I hope you like it... I think you will... Everyone you should check out this game it's a revolutionary one and I promise you will like it...


New Member
Cool... I've known about since the GDC05 thing... Which was amazing to see... I nearly fell off my chair more then once, plus we need more people to check it out lol ^_^...


New Member
Sorry for DOUBLE POST, but we just had some really nice new videos pop-up. These really highlight the greatness of spore without the 7hr lecture in between. I thoroughly enjoyed them, it's all the phases. WE HAVE INFO ON THE TRIBAL PHASE FINALLY! I'll post the changes that we can see from the old videos to these ones.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Col_TIlXALo Tidepool

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojf9Tbjj-eE Creature

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Q8iZWaJkc Tribal

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h50Til09L8 Civilisation

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCKQ8xrC-MY Space.

Tide Pool Stage Changes & Additions:
-The tidepool stage is now more water-like and less "gooey". There is a trail of water that is shown behind the cell as it moves.

-The tidepool stage is "multi-layered" similar to fl0w. It is unknown how you transition between them.

-The cell editor is now filled with 10 different types of parts. Each of these can be tweaked to make it fit the cell better. An example would be the option to have eyeballs, or eyestalks.

-The cell editor does have a texturing system. This is similar to, but toned down, when compared to the creature editor texturing. It has small disigns such as stripes and the ability to change colors.

Creature Stage Changes & Additions:
-You come out of the water as a small, limbless slug with a mouth. They also appear to have small eyes too. The color of this creature is determined by the tidal pool stage colors chosen.

-Creatures can stampede and move in packs. If scared a pack might run away in a big group.

Tribal Stage Changes & Additions:
-You purchase different types of tools to use. There is a menu that is used to purchase everything you want for your tribe. You then place it where you wish.

-"War paint" identifies the different tribes. Each tribe has a color of stripes that distinguish them.

-You can harvest fruit. You may go up to trees and pull the fruit down, probably a source of food.

-You can fish with nets. Nets are most likely purchased via the tool purchasing menu. The creatures go to the nearest body of water and then proceed to scoop up fish, presumably for food.

-You can attack members of other tribes along with non-sentient creatures. This ability is similar to attacking in the creature stage. It is unknown if this has a benifit, such as food.

-Day and night are part of the game. This makes the fire essentail for the game. It is unknown how long these will last.

City/Civ Stage Changes & Additions:
-Tiny Willosuarus' are used as "scale markers" in the building editor.

-Different parts of the building can have different textures.

-Auto-wall features keep the building in the right shape as you strech them. So when you make a square building, the walls strech so that all the corners connect.

-Where buildings are located determines the city shape. As the are added the city will conform and shape it's self to fit the buildings.

-Different parts of the vehicles can have different textures.

-Buildings can be completely destroyed. With enough damage the building will be flattened to the ground.

-Lights can be placed on vehicles. It is unknown what this does though.

-Vehicles can be completely destroyed. They explode are are probably gone forever.

Space Stage Changes & Additions:
-UFO tools include:
---Cooling device, this cools lava planets and makes them more hospitable.
---Water raising device, previously comets were used for this.
---Nuclear bombs, they do enough damage to destroy an entire city.

New Info: Will Wright has been speculating the release of a demo within the next 3-4months, So now, I must apologise for this but...


I rest my case,

Anyway download the demo for sure guys, it's the only way you'll know if you really like it.