Supply Cases



New Member
The first one I got was a AK-103. It is the best gun I have tried since. Too bad only for one day. Wasted 4k, but gave me experience.


New Member
My first was AK-103... loved it!! Great weapon. I recently got the PSG1-Camo for 30 and the L96A-SUper Mag for 30 days... I am loving it.


New Member
You are too lucky.
I tried Supply Cases more than 10 times, I never got a weapon for more than 1 day. Mostly the FAMAS or the M14.


New Member
I usually don't buy supply cases, but when I hit 24k gp I got bored, and bought one. I now have a K2 for 30 days. People shouldnt actually try that unless they have either 14 or 24 k. It is always good to have 10 or 20k gp left. But its a good chance to get a good gun for 90 days.


New Member
I use alot of supply cases, all i end up with is ...terrible guns..(got a m4a1 for NX, and a ak-103)
THE BEST YOU CAN GET IS A BLACK MAGNUM, followed by super magnum. It pwns all.