Tech Support Tina


New Member
King Ad. Rock said:
it means its hungry, jam some twinkies and mashed potatoes into your comp and itll stop

rofl, where the hell you been man??? have you been lurking and i was just unawares? anyway, lol, my comp (mein kompf?) loves the twinkies and bearclaws, sometimes when its real nice i give it a jerkle.


New Member
SuXoR said:
Dear Tech Support Tina,

I often get thirsty during those late night sessions p00ning n00bs, so naturally I like to have a cold tasty beverage close by. Last night, however my cup holder malfunctioned, sendig my cold tasty beverage to the floor. After a lengthy cleanup, I tried to reinsert the cupholder tray in to the mechanism but it wouldnt go in. I don't know what to do. If it helps, the writing on the front of the cupholder says 12x24x12 CD-RW. Please help me. I'm dying of thirst.


C. U. P. Anvy
Schlongenbeiten, Germany

Thank you for taking the time to reply and post your concerns. After reviewing your submission I've concluded that you might need to purchase I knew one. I'd stay this one is worth your time and money. Thanks again and I hope your problem was solved.

I have a tech question. What does a flashing HDD light mean? Also, when I start my computer, it beeps at me. Does that mean it needs more attention from me?

Actually, it means quite the opposite. The flashing HDD light indicates that your computer is in "S.O.S" mode. Granted, this is completely the users fault, but to change it from "S.O.S" mode to standard mode, stay away from your PC for about a week and give it some space. With newer computers, the "n00b tolerance" chip often feels smothered when unnecessary overflow occurs.

If the computer beeps, just once, before displaying the window's splash screen I suggest you shut down your computer, remove all RAM, turn back on the computer. If this time you encounter more than one beep; this is a good sign..... to call your PC's tech support.

What does it mean when all my noob internet friends have this big fuckin white block under their name in a post? Please oh please TS Tina, tell them what they've won.

The little white box, as seen here, is defiantly an obvious sign of n00b interference. I've only actually seen this problem on the forums so bare with me. Go into your user profile by clicking the "profile" icon at the top of the page. Scroll down to where you've entered your "gametag" and remove the contents of that text box. Save your profile and the little white box should be gone.

Should I buy the LED upgrade for my mini maglite?

haha, definitely. Those things are lifesavers in certain situations.

I get lots of choke now and I never did before.

And my computer grinds a lot.

I think I'm gonna take the case off and dust it out this weekend. I might even stick this new card in that I've had for two months now. Look at me go!

So.. Question. Um.. I'll ask something after I do all that.

"Grinding" comes from the word "Grind" meaning to rub forcefully together or without lubrication. In this circumstance, I would first deduce where the "grinding" is coming from and replace that part immediately. Unless you feel that you can provide the necessary lubricant and attempt to calm the friction caused by those terrible gears….


New Member
This one was actually looking pretty gay from the start.

After all it's Tina's Tech Support.


And the "gayest" thing I've seen posted in it so far is your sig. OH SNAP SON!