The Elve Camapign (HUge and awsome X))

Okay the Elve camapign is a serie of three parts each with about 9,10 chapters. PArt one is 40% done and it realy is cool. Youplay as elves, dwars later the evil side the Renevants, the story is big so I will write it latter, but you have many custom heroes and races, Rpg elements and so much more. there is an alpha of the firat map on MnM but now the first map is improved a lot. Anyway any modelers here that can aid me?


New Member
Erm, do you mind telling us anything about the storyline? rather then just what races you play?

And, it sounds like ur being too ambitious with this campaign. Thats 30 maps, if they are 10 chapters each. What people enjoy is quality over qauntity, and so I dont know how you're ganna manage 30 maps that are all really fun, and for it to be available to people of this milenium.

Hmmm, in campaign team gathering eh? Im an experienced map maker and can join the team, if you want. Just as long as you have proof that you're not a noob way out of your depth. Say . . . - a map you made that ur proud of.
err I was and still am makig these for almost 3 months now and as I say 40% of part one is done so except a fully detailed campauign

Storyline u: (err might sounds as LOTR )

okay many yars ago there were 4 big kingdoms: renevants, humans, dwarfs and Elves. The Renevants on Nortrend made 4 powerful enchanted swords, 3 they gave to the kingdom kings, the fourth they used to manipulate the kings. After doing that they bexame the rukers of the old world, and now some rebbeled, and finaly killing the renevants and their leader Gul'Dan, so the great sword was lost somewhere on Norterend. A century ago an adventures nam,ed Marcu Mael found the sword and took it, the swrod was powerles, He died and gave it to his soon Chaose male who seemed to be an Elve rebel who wants freedom in the rooten world of humans. He fights and rebels againts the humans and scourghe, the renevants err children. But renevants feeling that theres time has came once again, revied Gul'dan and went to search the sword of Gul'Dan hel in the hanmds of Chaose Mael. First Chapter is m,eeting your friends the BloodElfs leaded by Kael, second is building your vbase attacking humans, third is gathering lumber to asault Dalaran and claim it as yours, you fight the hingktelves but finaly u unite because Furion reived and borught piece, 4 is an interlude whic brings as that a spy heard the plan to asault dalaran and warned the leaders there, 5 is breakling the outer gates of dalaran.. and thats all for now

where can I find your maps? care to join a mapmaiing clan?


New Member
ooooh i'd love to join a map making clan, as long as ur not talking about CBS.

I have been unable to upload my map to downloads section of this site, and ive had no help at all from arkidas, who ive sent 2 unanswered PMs to.

But, works properly, so here is the link on their site.

Escape London map

Its a very profesional escape map I made. enjoy!

And, is it a solo campaign or are you looking for members to join the team?
okay the campign is a solo/team project, people help me now and then, you can help if u are good with terrain, or art anyway, I'l test your map, meanwhile u can give me your EMail, and btw r u registered to MnM? And if u need any help atall post it at bloodfeather forums where u will surely get an answwr. :infernal:


New Member
Ok. Oh, but if you wanna see my terain capabilities; I did not work on the terain in escape London. . . . oh poo, I cant use the attachment feature either to add a file. I have a decently terained map I did, I havent quite finished it yet so i cant upload it to . Its got a cinematic in it.

Anywayz, yeah i'll join the clan, I bet it's betetr then CBS.

(what I mean is CBS is a good clan, but it has a sh*t leader)
lol, anyway we have a greazt leader, err me, we udpate the site, 3 to 4 times a week :infernal: , also we have 2 shamans and over 10 active members, we take all tasks serious and are a good, strong and active clan, who will soon start battle net. :infernal:

So hope u will enjoy your stay in our clan, which is a growing community that has many allies such as BugSoft team and a Mini Clan SZOD, so enjoy, and u can e-mail that terrain or anything, u will probably be accepted soon to the clan, just taht I discuus it with the other shamans, btw do u have msn?