What are the differant ranks?

Hi, its me again. I was wondering how many different ranks, and by ranks I'm talking about the stars that show up under your name on your User cp. Like take for instance i have 2 and above it in parentheses it say junior pro, What does that mean. I guess you could say that I'm trying to set a "goal" of sorts. Please respond, thanks.:confused1:


Active Member
Ranks are like this: You make a certain amount of posts and your rank along with stars will increase. Newbii:0 posts 1 star. 1 or more until 100: Junior Pro, 2 stars. 100 or more until 500: pro member, 3 stars. 500 or more until 1000: experienced pro, 4 stars and 1000 or more: Pro freak, 5 stars. If you are a mod you have 6 stars by default. And the Admin(Matt) has 7 stars. Hope that helps;).