wii discs



New Member
kevmaster said:
what are the wii discs? All that I know is that the Xbox 360 discs are DVDs, but I was told that Wii discs were something else.

I have no idea to be honest but does it really matter.


New Member
kevmaster said:
what are the wii discs? All that I know is that the Xbox 360 discs are DVDs, but I was told that Wii discs were something else.

Um, where did you hear about these "Wii Disks"


New Member
You don't need to do research to know this info, You can tell by the size of the disc images to what discs they use.

Wii is single layer dvd
360 is Dual layer dvd
PS3 is bluray disc
Xbox has Single and Dual layer dvd
PS2 has single and dual layer dvd
Gamecube used mini dvd
Dreamcast used BD rom discs although the disc images could be used on cd
PSX/PS1 used CD


New Member
thank you, but if the wii disks are dvds, why cant the wii play dvds? I fully believe that they are dvds, i just dont understand why it wouldnt play dvds if the games themselves are dvd disks.


New Member
The reason the Wii doesn't play dvd video discs is because there is no software on the Wii to be able to play them.
The Wii is capable of playing dvd video discs as a programmer found out after he made some software to be able to do it but it only worked on modded consoles.

The capabilities are there just no official Nintendo software support for this.

Nintendo may introduce this feature in a later firmware update as thats all it needs.
The Wii can read dvd video discs, it just doesn't know what to do with them once they are inserted, a software update or addon will allow the wii to understand how to read them.