Worst Nightmare you've had


New Member
I havent got any nightmares for about uhh... 9 years perhaps? (i was 6 in that time) Though i dont remember the nightmare i had when i was 6 so...


New Member
I've loadsa those zombie dreams recently but theyre not the worst.The worst nightmare i ever had was
a few years back and,i was in my room and this thing (i couldnt see what it was but i could feel its presence)
was holdin its hand over my mouth,i couldnt breath or shoutout and it felt so real cuz my room was right and everything.

I later saw this progam on nightmares and it turns out that that dream is some kinda syndrom that ppl get
and its been through many culutures for years,luckily ive not had it again :eek: .


New Member
I've loadsa those zombie dreams recently but theyre not the worst.The worst nightmare i ever had was
a few years back and,i was in my room and this thing (i couldnt see what it was but i could feel its presence)
was holdin its hand over my mouth,i couldnt breath or shoutout and it felt so real cuz my room was right and everything.[/b]
Funny, I remember dreaming something similar a couple of years ago. Because I only dreamt a few times a year back then, I still remember all my dreams.

I later saw this progam on nightmares and it turns out that that dream is some kinda syndrom that ppl get
and its been through many culutures for years,luckily ive not had it again :eek: .
Yeah, it's famous by now. Those things has been said over and over, but I still don't believe much of it. I was told by a religious person that all dreams have something in common with reality, but only in a different way. Without joking around, doing your 'business' on the toilet often involves money in real life... in that way, a lot of things can be explained, and some mention that a lot of it came true.
So I was told quite some time ago when I remembered a really weird dream of mine (not a nightmare, just a dream) that didn't make sense at all. Nothing too weird actually... but, it just didn't make sense.
Ha, I was told doing your 'business' means you actually have to, in reality. So it's great I just wake up and us- do my 'business' :)

I haven't - I have actually - dreamt a while but I keep forgetting (about 5 minutes after waking up)

I'll mention a nightmare that actually cam true, my mom dreamt this, this was before I was alive. Alright, so there's my brother playing in his room when all of a sudden he just stop breathing and falls over. Doctors rush into the room and try to help him but they couldn't do anything so save him. END
A while later he was playing in a room when he did stop breathing. He was rushed to the hospital, but the doctors couldn't get him to come back. :(
SHe told me of this dream a while ago but it always makes me beleive that there is a connection between dreams and reality. Dreams might not make sense, but if you CAN make sense of it, you might get something out of it. Who knows?

Kem Rixen

New Member
I haven't had a memorable nightmare in ages, the only one I can really remember is from when I was 3 or 4, it scared me so much back then, it seems quite absurd now however...

My daycare center that I went to when I was a little child was connected to a bagel store, quite good bagels at that. The dream started with me walking into the store, people were minding their own business and through the doorway from the daycare and the store came a large anthropomorphic bagel. The whole in the center had become a mouth and it had eyes on the upper part of the bagel, it started eating people and I woke up.

I had it as a recurring nightmare as well, I suppose you could call it my worst as its the only one I can still remember after all these years. It seems really silly now though...


New Member
Dreams might not make sense, but if you CAN make sense of it, you might get something out of it. Who knows?
I surely don't hope so for my dreams. Though some of them are pleasant, I'd rather don't see most of them don't come true.


New Member
Well, where do i begin?!

There is one i rememer totally, where there was 3 islands in a ravine. There was huge cliffs on either side. They went vertically down to the deep water. The islands where facing:

C= cliffs | = islands

C | | | C
C | | | C
C | | | C

And I was on the island on the left of the pic. I needed to get to the middle because the most of the people was there. Everyone was panicking, there was around 50 people on the islands. Each island was around 15 meters long and 5 meters wide and yellow sand. Each island was about 10 meters apart from each other. I jumped into the deep water to swim to the middle island and then halway acros a Huge dark demonic looking head that was ugly and big black fiery apeared and came to me extremely fast . It was about 8 meters high and 5 meters wide. Just when i t was reaching me I woke up. I was about 6 years old.

Another dream was where I was in tescos with my parents and I was in the trolley. Just as we was heading to the exit I could not breath. I tried to scream but no sound came out. I was suffocating, anf it seemed very real, and I was panicking but no one noticed. It lasted about 1 minuit and then when i woke up my head was facing down into the pillow and my body was in a sort of fit that you get when you try to hold your breath for too long. I was panicking and it must have taken me another 10 seconds from when I woke up to catch a breath. I was 7 years old.

I have also had some very disturbing dreams where I have brutally stabbed and tortured freinds of mine, and felt vindictively saticefied when I did it. It was very disturbing when I woke up.


New Member
Some say that dreams are what the body cannot achieve but the mind can, or something like that. So, yes, letting anger go is something they do as well.


New Member
Yeah,they do let out a lot of anger,coz i get those dreams where i'm bein chased by a monster
but then i just turn and beat the livin S**t outta it,u just wake up feelin powerful :D .
Oh, my mistake. I made a few mistakes in it. I'll correct it now by editting my post. Sorry 'bout that.
Fladian I was talking about dreams making no sense. Not you :p Trust me, your one of the most post-understandable people on this site.

Anyways! I had a dream ^_^ (not really a nightmare) And I did some thinking on it. Too bad the dream never finished though ;(
This might not make sense but follow along:

My, and my sister were doing something (I don't know what, the dream just started like that) and my dad was sitting on a tree stump. Couple seconds (which in dream world could be minutes) a guy ways near us and he's carrying a bat. Out of nowhere I screm "Murdurer" and then my dad gets a bat (I don't know where) and starts attacking the guy. The guy gets beat up pretty bad but then the man gets ahold of my dad and puts him in a headlock (again, I don't know why) and they kind of just...freeze like that. Then I come with a bat (Don't know where) and start hitting the attacker. My attacks don't do anything and yeah. Then I woke up.

Now here's my crazy thought on it, I got this thought the seond I woke up:
I thought it in different terms. The attackers is actually a problem - Just a problem. My dad then trys to solve this problem but is unsuccessful and the problem gets to the better of him. Then I/we (sister) try to help him out, but after all we aren't really 'lifesavers' so we cannot do much. (I won't go into specifics but this actually means something, it's not any normal problem either so it's hard to explain, I'm just giving the basics, the real problem I beleive is the problem I posted in the 'Problems' thread)


That's what I got out of it. So try to THINK about your dreams a little bit, it might relate to something.


New Member
Yeah theres a saying that goes something like:
"Dreams can tell one more about the dreamer,rather than the world around them." This shows that dreams mean more to you rasther than having psychic/pregonitive abilities.

Ive ialso had dreams where no matter how hard i try i just can't seem to hit hard enough-i hate them :no: .