XBOX 360



New Member
intro i promise you your computer doesnt even come close to has multiple processors at 3ghz computers arent even at that level yet


New Member
What about the new Pentuim-D dual processors? Is that the same thing or not at all? not trying to disprove you Dilla...just curious if they are nearly the same thing.


New Member
i dont know, but it sounds like if you dont want to spend 5k on
each processor the xbox is winn4r. technology might be out
there for pc but cost an arm and a leg...


New Member
DiLLa said:
intro i promise you your computer doesnt even come close to has multiple processors at 3ghz computers arent even at that level yet

Toxic, not Intro.

Don't mix me in with all this geekspeak.

I'm cool, dammit.




New Member
When a new console is made for about 6 months it is equal to top PC's.

However since every 6 months solid updates are made to the PC market the console quickly falls behind.

The Xbox was considered an awesome cheap PC at 733mghz...obviously this is shit now. I have a 3.2 HT system I play on and while it may not be a 3 proc rocks. I am sure within a year of the 360 being released I will have a new PC. I prefer PC gaming and always have. I get hooked much faster to games and tend to play them much longer. Console games just don't have replay value (except for Worms). You can't beat a mouse and keyboard. If the 360 gets those then I would consider it a better gaming console couples with Live.



New Member
The only reason I like CONSOLES is because of the NON-fps games...ONLY for FPS, I use my PC. Trying to play HALO 2 on xbox is annoying with the analogs [ but I got used it slowly] and prefer the MOUSE/KEYBOARD FOR FPS :wink:


New Member
Omniscient said:
Most in depth analysis of the 2 system puts the Xbox 360 way ahead of the PS3 for raw power. You have to consider all of a machines specs and not just speed, ram, or any single spec.

I consider this article fairly objective and in depth.

And of course there is always the anandtech articles which are full of tech mumbo-jumbo.

hey defender that article has been declared inaccurate. that is not written by IGN and it is straight from Microsoft. They are comparing the xbox 360 to the ps3 development kit, not the final software itself. the ps3 will be able to do over 5 gigaflops while the xbox360 will be less than 3.

actually, none of us really know yet :) BOTH systemss are going to kick ass compared to what we have now. the ps3 is a bit too far off to know the actuall performance stats anyways.


New Member
I don't trust Sony. Their hardware has been consistently poor.

The PSX was not as good as the Dreamcast.

The PS2 is extremely underpowered to the Xbox and even the Cube.

I expect the PS3 to have lots of promises from Sony and fan boys sucking big giant Sony cock.