Like Miran said, a monthly fee would keep server costs up while keeping things balanced. Adding a small fee would probably keep hacks down, along with the poor spicks down in SA. The company can do what they want with their fucking NX, it's just sad that people basically need to buy it to be any good at this game.
I hardly play CA anymore, so I could give two fucks about what they do. But please, lecture me some more on how gaming companies make profits.
We're not trying to lecture you on gaming companies, at least I'm not since I don't know shit about it, don't know about know-it-all-miran though.
What I am trying to tell you is that no matter what game you play, there will always be bullshit for you to cry about. Heck, no matter what you do in life, there'll be bullshit for you to complain about.
To miran:
I'm glad you gave me a very educational lecture, but please don't get so hot-headed over some trivial matters.
Please understand that sometime sooner or later, you're gonna find some bullshit in cod to complain about. Maybe they'll come out with a bad patch or accidentally create new glitches, but as long as you keep playing, you're going to find problems with the game sooner or later. Don't blame me if you decided not to listen to good advice and ended up learning it the hard way.