28 days to break a habit?


New Member
I saw this on one of mom's son's posts,


I kicked a bad blackjack/poker habit I had. Been good for 1.5 years.


New Member
i smoked for 10 years, yes smoked, like all day long, over 20 cigs a day, dropped it like your sister in less than 2 weeks, what was this topic about?

oh yea, "they" say nicotine is more addictive than ____________.

never you mind that "they" = other smokers too weak to quit.


(rock on dw, feels good dont it. <---not a question, rofl)

29 yrs old
charleet, nc

got links to shit from the 1830's about smoking, how they tried to outlaw it but evan pre-1900 it was a 2,000,000,000 a year crop that ownd too many lawmakers.

I quit back in september, cold turkey from 40+ butts a day, the 1st 3 days were insaine, I had every withdrawl symptom but sezures and vomiting. I can't recall what president quit smoking while in office but he said when asked if he would ever smoke again "I can't say I will never smoke again, but I damn shure will never quit again" it's very hard, but I think the mental rewards of owning your adiction like a nub was better than the short and long term health benifits.


New Member
Hypnos said:
psychonaut13 said:
bah! i have no desire to stop smoking.

Isn't that the addiction part?

nah, I think the addiction part is when you want to smoke but cant. If you still want to smoke rock on. I got sick or running slower and slower on my PT tests, and waking up and coughing up enough flem to drown my ass