WTS: 3400$ WORTH | Level 53 |467 Games ( Cheap )


New Member
I'm selling my main account , that is level 53 , having 467 games , many good games . It have CS:GO VAC BAN ( I don't know how i got it , my brother was on my computer for few days , i don't know what he have done , i'm not a cheater , i don't like seeing this VAC BAN so i prefer selling it . The account have good reputation for trading , only +rep on it .
I want 375 CSGO case key or 5x100$ steam wallet . You can see the account by yourself :

Add me on this account to discuss or send me an e-mail on sapphirius12@gmail.com
If we do the deal , we must talk carefully to know each other ( Prevent from scammers )

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