7th generation

Who will win the 7th generation of video games?

  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Playstation 3

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New Member
Hyrules007 said:
[size=xx-small]After careful thought, I'm announcing my prediction for what console will end up in 2nd place. Before I announce that prediction, I'm going to overview which console will win the current console war: Nintendo Wii.

I predicted that the Nintendo Wii would overtake the (at the time) #1 console in this current generation; that is, Xbox 360. I predicted that the Nintendo Wii would overtake the Xbox 360 in sales in less than 1 year. I predicted that 3rd party games for the Wii would surpass that of the Gamecube. It turns out that I predicted right.

Most Xbox 360 fanboys throught otherwise and predicted that the Wii would be hot at launch - but will fade in a few months like the Gamecube. Well it turns out that the Wii is still sold out in stores...

The Nintendo Wii has many advantages over the competition:

Innovative motion controls: Would you prefer to play a baseball game pressing the A button or actually swinging the controller like a bat?
Appeals to casual gamers: These are the kind of people who aren't that much into gaming.
Appeals to hardcore gamers: These are the kind of people who enjoys the latest kick ass gaming.
Appeals to old school gamers: These are the kind of people who aren't that much into 3D gaming because they much rather play old school games.
Cheapest console: $250
Nintendo only games: Come on!

Now that I got that part over with, the Playstation 3 (PS3) will beat the Xbox 360 in sales before the end of 2009. People have been spitting crap saying that the PS3 is selling worst than the Xbox 360 but that's false. The PS3 is selling nearly identical to that of the Xbox 360 if you compare both systems starting with each of their launches.

Now if the PS3 is selling as well as the Xbox 360 without the need of a bunch of AAA titles, how will the PS3 fair when the bigs guns start to come out?

Once Final Fantasy XIII hits the PS3, millions of Japanese gamers are sure to run out and purchase a PS3... does Microsoft have that kind of power in Japan? No. Will Final Fantasy XIII come to the Xbox 360? No. Why? Because Microsoft used the wrong storage format for their console.

Developers are starting to bitch about the limited capacity of the DVD format Microsoft used for the Xbox 360. Rockstar Games are having a hard time porting Grand Theft Auto IV from the PS3 to the Xbox 360 because of that limited capacity. The PS3 on the other hand utilizes a format called Blu-Ray which can hold over 5 (for single layer discs) times the amount of data than the DVD format.

Nintendo made this same mistake when they sticked with the cartridge format for the Nintendo 64, and now Microsoft is making a simular mistake. You would think that everyone would have learned a serious lesson by now...

Before anyone jumps on my ass Nintendo also used the DVD format for the Wii - but the catch here is that the Wii isn't an HD system, therefore games requires much less space than their HD counterparts. For example, 480p video takes up much less space than 1080p video.

Now if a developer wants to port a 23.5 GB PS3 game to the Xbox 360 they would have somehow put the game on 5 discs. In the long run high-end games are going to require a serious amount of space and the Xbox 360 was outdated from the get go.

There's a huge war between the Blu-Ray and HD-DVD format and Microsoft was stupid not to use their HD-DVD format for the Xbox 360. That mistake will bite them in the ass in the near future. If Fox (world leader in movies) doesn't support the HD-DVD format, I just don't see how HD-DVD will win... but that's for a whole other debate.

Microsoft will never be able to sell well in Japan, therefore, Japan is the defining point in the whole PS3 vs Xbox 360 war. Currently the Wii is kicking every consoles ass in Japan (actually worldwide), and it will be that way because Nintendo says so - but there's always room for one other popular console: Sony Playstation 3.

If anyone talks smack I'll mention Grand Turismo 5 and Metal Gear Solid 4 and the whole debate will end.[/size]

wow. that is an amazing overview of how the 7th generation systems are going to turn out. You win this thread. No one can really say anything more. :)


New Member
it's pretty obvious that the Wii will win the 7th generation because it has gave us the next generation of gaming.with the wii,we can move around freely with the wii remote where as with the xbox360 and PS3,we are just sitting there with a control pad in our hands pressing a load of buttons.


New Member
to be honest the ps3 should win with the power it is packing it that sexy sleek black box :) its a shame they are so expensive and the developers are still getting to grips with how to exploit its full potential.

On the other hand the wii is very fun to play and is alot more fun with friends than the other consoles, also has a lot of great games coming out for it: SSBB, MArio Kart, Tomb Raider.

Finally The only good thing about the X360 is probably xbox live and the price tag other than that you might aswell buy the PS3.


New Member
What truly makes a console win the war? Is it sales? popularity? profit? games?

I don't think wii is the winnner, although it is hugely popular, and has made more money than any other console in the world in this short amount of time, I don't think it will win. The problem with the wii is there are only 3 AAA titles for it (Wii Sports, Mario Galaxy, Brawl), the other games are just meh. People are soon going to realize this and abandon their wiis. Everybody that I know, that has bought a wii within a year of launch, and has vast gaming experience is now completely bored with their wii. Most just keeping it for Brawl. Most of its games are too casual, and the online is horrible compared to the other 2.

The XBOX 360 has had a great advantage being a year ahead of Wii and PS3, but with most of its AAA titles already passed their is still no activity in Japan. Its hard to tell how much money microsoft is making because of all the consoles they have to replace for free. But in North America, it seems the 360 is more popular then the PS3, and is dubbed as the true hardcore gamers console. The Xbox 360 has the best online experience, unfortunately only those who pay can experience it.

The PS3, selling well in Japan, and selling equal to the 360. Most of its AAA titles are still to come, and the price of a PS3 is now reasonable. Although it gets bashed the most in North America, it is doing quite well. It has games for the hardcore, and games for the casual, so it suits everyone. Its free online service is not as bad as people make it out to be, and compared to the wii online it is amazing.

This will be a very close race, and it will take at least another 5 years to see who is the closest to the finish line. And then on the 7th year we will be debating about the 8th generation of consoles.