New Member
Fladian with your speed at posting I am never gonna keep up with you >_>
You simply must be a robot like hunter says!!!
You simply must be a robot like hunter says!!!
See, SEE! WHY WON'T ANYONE BEILEVE ME??? Fladian is the posting robot I've been suspecting!I got 30% of the posts of the forum. What else did you expect?That I was just your average poster? Wait, I'm getting arrogant again. *slaps himself*
No, but seriously, evil robot.No, but seriously. I got quite arrogant at a certain time during my Wc3c time. RightField kicked me back to the ground back then. I have no intention of becoming the same like back then =)
Hmm, I think I remember you being a little arrogant, then again, I don't know what that means either and I didn't know you on wc3c...except for the most posting poster.Don't have the time? Why not? Something wrong?
With "becoming the same like that", I meant being somewhat arrogant. Acting like I knew everything better.
Huh, what do you mean?Hey that is just the way the people at wc3c act
Not only you really.