New Member
Greetings, my forum-frequenting friends.
I... Poog.
You may notice my Maplestory-based avatar. Yes, I played Maplestory for quite some time. But after getting fed up with Nexon BS, I decided to try some other games that would hopefully not fail as badly. Unfortunately, the only game that didn't fail was Combat Arms, another Nexon product. However, it's turned out to be pretty fun, and I think I just might take off my gaming shoes and stay awhile.
My avatar is Maplestory-based namely because I don't associate that particular image with that game; that image is the visage of Poog, my online alias and identity. On, the main Maplestory fan website for chatting and trading, I developed a sort of reputation as an ass and a troller, although some people saw through their blindness and witnessed my true objective, which was just to develope a reputation. Not for trolling and being an ass, lol. I gave great speaches and composed amazing stories, I went on and on about my own greatness (which isn't trolling lol, although some of them could come across as condescending to some), and ranted for paragraphs about problems I was dedicated to getting solved, including some particular forum-frequenters' ingorance, from time to time. I gave intelligent replies to those who disagreed with me, and to those who disagreed with absolutely no intelligent backing to their opinion (and when everybody knew that they were wrong), I would happily give them a piece of my mind about their opinions. :/ That's where the ass part came in.
So, needless to say, I had my fans and my foes. Even my friends and my followers. Don't worry, Roger; I won't be doing anything too creative on these forums.
I'm just here to contribute to the happy community we have here.
There you have it, my late introduction.
...Kinda long.
Well. Regardless, there it is. Farewell for now, my friends. I am needed elsewhere.
P.S. - if you ever run across me in-game, you'll notice my clan name is RTMATP.
You could probably hazard a guess at what those characters stand for. ;D
(Hint - look below the little white line)
I... Poog.
You may notice my Maplestory-based avatar. Yes, I played Maplestory for quite some time. But after getting fed up with Nexon BS, I decided to try some other games that would hopefully not fail as badly. Unfortunately, the only game that didn't fail was Combat Arms, another Nexon product. However, it's turned out to be pretty fun, and I think I just might take off my gaming shoes and stay awhile.
My avatar is Maplestory-based namely because I don't associate that particular image with that game; that image is the visage of Poog, my online alias and identity. On, the main Maplestory fan website for chatting and trading, I developed a sort of reputation as an ass and a troller, although some people saw through their blindness and witnessed my true objective, which was just to develope a reputation. Not for trolling and being an ass, lol. I gave great speaches and composed amazing stories, I went on and on about my own greatness (which isn't trolling lol, although some of them could come across as condescending to some), and ranted for paragraphs about problems I was dedicated to getting solved, including some particular forum-frequenters' ingorance, from time to time. I gave intelligent replies to those who disagreed with me, and to those who disagreed with absolutely no intelligent backing to their opinion (and when everybody knew that they were wrong), I would happily give them a piece of my mind about their opinions. :/ That's where the ass part came in.
So, needless to say, I had my fans and my foes. Even my friends and my followers. Don't worry, Roger; I won't be doing anything too creative on these forums.
There you have it, my late introduction.
...Kinda long.
Well. Regardless, there it is. Farewell for now, my friends. I am needed elsewhere.
P.S. - if you ever run across me in-game, you'll notice my clan name is RTMATP.
You could probably hazard a guess at what those characters stand for. ;D
(Hint - look below the little white line)