

Super Six 4

we spent 10k pesos (1200 dollars), in some urban vests and tactical helmets, and soon we will open a liitle battlfield for rent gunz and going playing lol...but the veste are useless, we always hit on the head LOL...

lol, hence the helmets I guess. Hope you wear eye gear and bandannas or something.:thumbup1:

Super Six 4

so hay is Airsoft like paint ball?
I no I'm dumb

It's definitely NOT like paintball. Paintball is for overly expensive, unrealistic people, and airsoft is for the normal to cheap range of realistic people.

In airsoft, people wear tacvests, camo/uniforms, boots, and even ghillie suits, and you cart around 1:1 scale (real size) guns that look exactly like the real thing-some really expensive ones look exactly like the real thing, I don't mean exactly-I mean EXACTLY:LOL:. Paintball uses guns that look totally unrealistic, and you pretty much play in any old clothes, and it's very expensive. I'd rather play airsoft all tricked out and with an automatic gun and stuff than with an automatic weird "gun."


Active Member
I'v made some Parts at the shop I work at and youre rite they are nothing like real guns
The paintball guns seem very combersume


Active Member
Airsoft is known as the poor man's paintball. Paintball is more realistic because the guns have a better range, the ammo is roughly the same weight, and the guns are usually closer to being realistic, such as blowback, feel, weight, and operation. Airtsoft is the same but has a smaller round and less range, unless you go all out and get a greengas gun that fires at like 750fps, but who would want to play with that? I'm still looking at a few guns but I have a project I'm thiking about doing so I'm saving the money I got. We play airsoft in the streets where I live late at night, in my garage/barn, basements, and a few tree farms around. Its not the most legal way playing, 30 kids with guns running up and down streets thru yards and over porches with sun glasses on. I have alot of gear and what not, I just dont use it because I rather everyone be the same than have more gear on so there is no advantages.


Active Member
Yea, I've got completely lit up playing paintball and airsoft I got shot in the face a few times by a green gas MG but as long as your playing with good people who dont try to hurt you its ok. It happens, I've hurt them already by accident, they've hurt me by accident, its just the name of the game. Nothing serious thou like an eye shot out or going deep into the skin, but they will break the skin and sometimes stick in, but its not bad.


Active Member
my first bad experience was in paintball, i got two finger of my left hand broken by a red paint MSG-90....that seriously hurts lol... but i continued playing with one hand cuz the games was on its CLIMAX!!!!


Active Member
LOL. Man, you should be playing with us. I never broke a bone but I know a few people that have broken bones and kept on playing. My first CTF game, Greg, now one of the squad leaders we play with, broke is foot and kept on playing after the suit case flag filled with sand fell on his foot. He kept on going for like 2 more games and then when we got back to camp he told us and I would have never thought it was broken except for the swelling and the cast he had on in school a few days later. The games are fun, but can be dangerous, but its worth the risk if you ask me.