SamSeed said:
Dont get me started with collateral damage.. I would have dropped a huge bomb on half the mideast already...

Wow SamSeed, I'm sure glad you're only weapon is a mouse and keyboard. You're view on this war is seriously scary. Please give a shit about the lives of people that live there. Not everyone in the mideast is a terrorist. The present American Government has more terrorist like qualities than alot of the people there. Think about it like this, how many serious attacks have there been on American soil? Maybe 3? 4? You can count them on one hand. Think about those 4 or 5 attacks happening everyday, off and on, for 8 years on your home turf. Imagine how you'd feel or what you'd do.


New Member

Think about it on the have this anger for them why? Because they are killing Americans? How do you think they feel by having their families killed? Some of them very innocent and that are just trying to survive.

Not to mention they're already starved for basic necessities as it is.


New Member
Classic example of why to kill a leader...

When a Terrorist is leading a rush into dust2 B bomb site through tunnels and they get killed; what do the people following do?

They stop and say oh shit, I don't want to die; and then get naded to hell.

Sooner-or-later, they'll be no leaders to follow and everyone will sit at spawn with scouts; trying to get in a kill before they are steam rolled by ct leaders and followers.


New Member
Ponti said:
Classic example of why to kill a leader...

When a Terrorist is leading a rush into dust2 B bomb site through tunnels and they get killed; what do the people following do?

They stop and say oh shit, I don't want to die; and then get naded to hell.

Sooner-or-later, they'll be no leaders to follow and everyone will sit at spawn with scouts; trying to get in a kill before they are steam rolled by ct leaders and followers.

lol you dork.


New Member
Let me ask another question...

If we never went to war, would Al-qaeda be weaker or stronger then they were during the 9-11 attacks?

If we never went to war, would Hussain continue financing terrorist attacks against the U.S.?

Remember we were worried to begin with that hussain had weapons of mass destruction on hand. If he passed these weapons onto able terrorists, could they have attacked the U.S. with greater magnitude then what happened on 9-11?

Please don't forget these statistics and how a war in iraq may have prevented attacks within the U.S. for the last 5 years.

Total Deaths:
All 9/11 Attacks 3,030

Number of survivors rescued from Ground Zero: 0

Number of orphans created by the 9/11 attacks: 1,300

Estimated cost of attacks to US based solely on property losses and insurance costs: $21billion

Estimated total losses to the world insurance market from the World Trade Centre: £25bn-£50bn


New Member
Ponti are you trying to equate a terrorist attack with the thousands that are killed each year because of collateral damage, direct or indirect? I'm not saying either is good.

I don't have the numbers but i'm sure they're pretty high.

Number of orphans of innocent civilians created by war (for example lets say iraq and afghanistan): ? (i'm sure you know that's pretty high)

Losses due to strain on the world markets to maintain the necessities for orphans and refuge camps + health needs, foods, etc: I'd say that's up there as well.

Remember we were worried to begin with that hussain had weapons of mass destruction on hand.

What weapons of mass destruction? Do you remember a missle being shot? I don't.

Dood that last time Iraq was invaded..with all the sanctions and corruption, the technology there was like 10 years behind!


New Member
That would suffice...but didn't you remember that investigation where the evidence was "altered" to suggest that Iraq had WMD? The guys at the top knew full well they didn't have any. You're telling me with all the technology the states have in their possesion, and the poor situation in Iraq..they "thought" Iraq had WMD? Please.

That was in response to Ponts post...which isn't there anymore. :?


New Member
They still might have WMD, nobody really knows. They could be hidden in a different country which would be the smart thing to do. Don't forget when Iraq actually used chemical weapons extensively against Iran. I'm not gonna get into a discussion, but I thought I'd remind you all of that.

)( -The Sorrow-

New Member

Let's all be friends.
And we can't bomb half the middle east. No oil to supply our country.
I feel great sorrow for anyone who dies or loses another one they cared for but killing another person out of revenge or grief only starts a chain recation.
It is a sin to murder and to murder is a sin. Get it through your head.
That's why we kill on counter-strike because then no one gets hurt...physically. I hope. :?:


New Member
Well said sorrow.

Any loss of life in a horrible means is sad.


Not gonna discuss this..but don't forget those same chemicals were supplied by the Americans.

I know you'll ask for proof...but i'll ask you to use your own judgement and researching skills on that.

FYI..this is in no attempt to try to bash the Americans here...i'm just trying to get y'all to think with an open mind...rather than be swayed someway some how by the powerfull doods with $$$ in their arse.


New Member
Ponti said:
Let me ask another question...

If we never went to war, would Al-qaeda be weaker or stronger then they were during the 9-11 attacks?

If we never went to war, would Hussain continue financing terrorist attacks against the U.S.?

Remember we were worried to begin with that hussain had weapons of mass destruction on hand. If he passed these weapons onto able terrorists, could they have attacked the U.S. with greater magnitude then what happened on 9-11?

Please don't forget these statistics and how a war in iraq may have prevented attacks within the U.S. for the last 5 years.

Total Deaths:
All 9/11 Attacks 3,030

Number of survivors rescued from Ground Zero: 0

Number of orphans created by the 9/11 attacks: 1,300

Estimated cost of attacks to US based solely on property losses and insurance costs: $21billion

Estimated total losses to the world insurance market from the World Trade Centre: £25bn-£50bn


It worked wonderfully didnt it?
It is about OIL, not terror.

wake the fuck up.


New Member
i did read that last post, and yes, duh, member about that time we were freaking out bc gas prices were what, creeping up near the $2 mark?

then, BOOM!

back down for about 5 years. i may be mistaken, cuz that was hs for me (lots of pot) but i am pretty damn sure that was and is whats up.