All I want for Christmas is...


New Member
wow fladian u dont ask for much, i cant imagine why you would have to travel so much for a scarf they are popular (in america at least)

Oh, scarfs are quite popular out here too, that really isn't the problem. But when you are searching for a particular scarf from a place that isn't very well known out here in the Netherlands, you'll have a hard time finding it, excluding from the place where it is made.

I was searching for a particular scarf related to my favorite club, SC Heerenveen. I tried to make a picture of the scarf with my webcam, but I can't seem to get it on right. I'll ask a friend to make a picture of me and the scarf some time. It's not really of importance anyway.

Regardless, scarfs can be found pretty much everywhere here. Football scarfs are probably even more popular and can be found in practically every shop that sells scarfs. However, besides a few top teams, they rarely sell scarfs from other teams. Besides, SC Heerenveen is a Frisian team and most southern (or central, for that matter) Dutch people think as if Frisian is foreign. *sigh* Therefore, the only (easy) way to get the scarf is to either order it over the internet - but according to rumors, there tends to go something wrong - or to take a trip to the village, Heerenveen, go to the Abe Lenstra stadium or a random shop and buy one. Something I was actually planning of doing this vacation, but it seems it is no longer necessary.

and i have plenty of scarfs fladian, i dislike scarfs...but if you ever happen to pop down at aus ill give them to ya myself.

Thanks, but no thanks, Wulf. I am a supporter from football club SC Heerenveen and I really, really, really wanted a scarf from them and nothing else. Otherwise I could have bought a scarf (too) when I went shopping with two friends. The following picture looks a bit like the scarf I have. Though mine is a little bit different, but I couldn't find it on their site. I couldn't find a bigger picture either.



I normally don't wear scarfs, simply because I don't really need them. I don't mind the cold - and I am really wondering when it is getting colder, as I am still wearing summer clothes - so I never wear one in particular. A few years after I got a fan of SC Heerenveen, I wanted a scarf from them. Not only because I like the way it looks, but also because it is just a must for a self-respecting supporter, in my opinion. The fact that I don't visit (many) games is simply because it is a two hour trip there by train and a two hour trip back, which is really too much for my liking to do weekly. But I probably will do it some day, when I can afford the prices weekly too - which I can't right now either.
Oh, despite their club logo (and the Frisian flag, which looks similar) I am not Frisian. Though would never have minded if I was.


im turning 16, i still cant buy booze, but i hears law here is if your 16 you can drink as long as your parents buy it or under their watch or something...

Yeah, there is a law similar to that out here. I'm not too sure about it as I don't like alcohol anyway. I do know that I had a little discussion about it with some friends about it at school that it can be annoying if you are guessed younger.
"I can't believe he actually asked for my ID! Do I look younger than eightteen? I'm twentythree, damn it!" - a friend

Anyway, I have no real restrictions anymore, so I can buy just about anything I like - if I have the money, that is; it seems that it remains a big problem most of the time - and if I want it. Oh well...


New Member
You can call me officially broke now. Last tuesday a friend and I skipped most classes to go Christmas shopping. Well, to be exact, so she could Christmas shop. Despite several attempts of her to try to keep me away ("You don't want to go, trust me!") and her pathetic arguments ("I am awful in shopping") I still went with her. She searched for either some kind of shirt or training-pants for her boyfriend. Apparently it wasn't as easy as she hoped for. We searched the entire 'city' for something fitting, but we couldn't find a thing. When we decided to go back she mentioned a sentence to me which became my quote of the day. "Now you've seen the real me. Isn't she terrible?"

Despite that I went with her to do her Christmas shopping, I didn't buy anything myself. Even though I am the type of person - just like her - that likes to stall everything until the last minute, I never thought I would take it so literally. Yesterday (today would be the last day I would see a number of people) I decided to do my Christmas shopping alone. I brought just about all the money I still had left and bought some things for family, friends, etc.
To be exact, I got three presents for girls but not yet really figured out who I was going to give what. I bought a small mouse-like figure that most girls would like. I could choose between a pig- and a sheepfigure. I decided that the mouse would be the most fitting then. I also bought a larger stuffed animal in the form of a giraffe. In opposite of the two others, it was quite big. It's about as big as... uh... a reasonable sized book. The third was a very small (about as big as your own fingertop) dolphin-figure. Believe me, the last one was the hardest to wrap. :p

Today I could finally give those presents to two of the three girls. The third would be my ex, and I wouldn't see her for... well, a little while longer I guess. I'm a bit disappointed on the way I acted on giving the dolphin figure, but that is simply because there was a small change of plans. The "I guess we won't see each other anymore during Christmas time, huh? Well, I still got you a present," worked out just fine though. :p She was more surprised than I expected, to be honest. I mean, if anyone is used to me doing strange, stupid or simply very unexpected stuff then it is definitely she who should know.
The second one was even more surprised, and rightfully so as she meant it as a joke. When she asked me why I was going to the city yesterday, I told her that I had to buy a present for someone. Another girl I was talking to joked that I was planning of buying a present for her. None of the three of us took it even serious, but what the heck I thought when I was shopping. So I just got her something. The mice-figure went to her.
The third is meant for my ex, but it will be a little while until I see her. Chances are likely that she expects it the very least. :p

I also got my father a big book from Stephen King, which I personally never heard of (the book, that is). To be honest, I forgot what it was called shortly after I wrapped it. But when I read the backside, it felt like it would be a good one. Besides, he was running out of books to read anyway and I am not intending of printing any of my stories for him. :p I already got a CD for my mother and a game for my sister. I even bought an expansion for Neverwinter Nights for myself... alright, it was cheap. :p

*inhales deeply*
Well, I am completely broke now... unless I can make someone happy with 5 cents. :p

Besides the passing away of the many people this month (3 people in one month of time, how can this be possible?) I've got a few good days before Christmas and I believe that I've done my 'good' things this week as well.
"You shouldn't have," is the most common sentence I've heard today though. :p Well, my year can end as far as I am concerned.


New Member
Well, i don't really want so many things..
Soft-Gun H&K MP5 R.A.S (Not really cheap, but whatever! o_O)
Some Horror DVDs (etc: I know what you did last summer, Resident Evil)
And maybe D&G or GUCCI cloths :D


New Member
I was j/king, see I just got this nifty avatar today (p.s. and now I'm looking for a niftier sig.) and I was saying to check my cool avatar. I'll stop trolling now.