almost sane again



New Member
Dude...don't even think about playing CS. Just get your shit straight. We will be here with open arms when you are READY. Take care of you and yours FIRST.
thanks for the love yall, I had to hit the ER this morning, I still have the pre-op visit tomorow morning, but they said next sugery date is a week from thursday unless someone cancels, The er only gave me enough lortab's to last through today and tomorow till the surgeon decides what he wants me on pre sugery. I have to drive myself an hour out of ttown stoned on lortabs in the morning, and then an hour home! WHEEEEE

anyhow, I might be able to frag tonight with the better drugs.
so I leave at 7:20am and drive 90 minutes to get out there in constant downpours and 45mph wind gusts, 3pm I get back home. tests, tests, and then they had to ask me some questions, and run a couple more tests!

I have to check in at 6am tomorow (waking up at 4:10 am anyone?) get droped off, my wife has meetings about 30 minutes away from the hospital so she can swing me by on her way in and then back to pick me up about noon to get me home in time to start changing bandages every 2 hours from the crack of my ass for 3 days.

again, stoned on lortabs, but I got a script for somthing else today, I told the surgeon these were too strong for me, so next dose I will change drugs, I forget what they are called, but its basicly more tylanol, less morphine type stuff. I only took 1/2 a lortab to drive this morning and was fine.

lol yeah just like the old dude in that movie, I thought he was the pimp daddy.

anyhow, I took my pills when I pulled in the driveway, and can't see straight anymore, time for bed. wow only been 14 minutes! bad ass!
ok, Im back, and can sit down in a chair again (1 cheek) so much demerol Im ballancing pain relief and nausia. tomorow is saposed to be worse but my Monday I should be back on my feet. (good thing I have to get the carpets cleaned)

to high to say anything funny, my head is itchy and my butt hurts. (no Slick didn't come over and make me any drinks) but I wanted to check in. My wife had meetings about an hour away from the hospital I was using so she droped me off early on her way through the town (about 5:40 am, I had surgery scheduled for 8:00 am) I bought a local newspaper (got to read about the mayor getting busted trying to trade some drugs and money with 2 15 year old girls for sex) and a tom clancy novel (couldent host the book steady ehough to read)

wow, Im riped

well put it this way:



New Member
JustAnotherStayAtHomeDad said:
to high to say anything funny, my head is itchy and my butt hurts. (no Slick didn't come over and make me any drinks)

All I gotta say is WTF ? How the fuck did a playa like me got dragged into sucha a gay conversation ??? and i dont make gf is a bartender, im not.
slick said:
JustAnotherStayAtHomeDad said:
to high to say anything funny, my head is itchy and my butt hurts. (no Slick didn't come over and make me any drinks)

All I gotta say is WTF ? How the fuck did a playa like me got dragged into sucha a gay conversation ??? and i dont make gf is a bartender, im not.

I normaly pick Dilla as a favorite PuNx to bring into my sick and twisted fantseys but I thought you were feeling left out.

I found out I was taking my meds wrong, It was 1 every 4 hour or 2 every 6, so when I was taking the 2 every 4 my body was like WTF!!! and gave me an alergic reaction to the narcotic's. Like hives.

anyhow, Im doing better, im alot more pain today than I was beofore, and its not saposed to get better till monday. I hate crying, but just fucking breathing the last 1 hour between pain med dose's is brutal, they cant up the dose because of my alergic reaction to high levels of narcotic;s so I just have to make due another 2 days. They say it will be better monday.

I have a 2 hours window every dose that I feel ok and get out of bed, the 2nd hour to the 4th hour after the dose when it peaks out. then its down hill till the next one kicks in. anyhow, gona try and get the wife to watch tv or somthing, im bored.