Hey, don't look at me. It was Norinrad who figured it out. ALL HAIL NORINRAD!!! :yay:
T Tenebrae New Member May 6, 2006 #31 Hey, don't look at me. It was Norinrad who figured it out. ALL HAIL NORINRAD!!! :yay:
U Undead_Lives New Member May 6, 2006 #32 Hm, good to know that the program is messed and can't save .mdx....
N N00byStance New Member May 6, 2006 #33 I knew about screwing TextureAnims, but not about attachment points... well, we'll beware now
T Tenebrae New Member May 20, 2006 #34 So... umm... are you going to close this, or would you rather keep it open in case other people have questions?
So... umm... are you going to close this, or would you rather keep it open in case other people have questions?
F Fladian New Member May 20, 2006 #35 There is no need to close a thread when a question has been answered. Imagine all the work a moderator would have.
There is no need to close a thread when a question has been answered. Imagine all the work a moderator would have.
U Undead_Lives New Member May 21, 2006 #36 Ya, Flad would have so much to do he wouldn't be able to post Wait, why aren't we doing that?