
New Member
well, they wiped out my comp, i backed up all my files(2 yrs of stuff) dad deleted it (ARGHGH!)
and dad took the net off my comp, so the nets only on their comp, my brothers(but it has PW so i cant sneak on it, like i have tried.) my net money at school ran out and my bros laptop stays with him
dad posed on AIM as me, and went through EVERYTHING on my comp, and i had another fight with my parents and they banned final but i got a pet RAT! :)


New Member
As I said, a three year ban is not very likely, so that's the last thing you should worry about. You can't stop progress.

Congratulations with your pet rat, on a side note. About four years ago, a lot of my friends took a pet rat. Most of them still have one nowadays. I heard good things about them.


New Member
Depends, of course, what kind fo work it exactly is. A little less than ten years ago, my father deleted a lot of work of my brother as well. As result, he didn't finish his school year properly. It has been that long ago, yet he still faces the problem that his work was deleted.
I never knew what kind of work it was.
They banned you for 'videos' that pretty harsh. I've never been ground in my life, ever. Except one time when I wasn't alous on any video games or TV for a day, :p. I hope everything works out.
(On a side note this shows the they care about you (too much))


New Member
The parents you mean, Hunter? Perhaps so... but I do not believe it is only caring for her that's playing the biggest role. Which exactly is playing the largest role is something I, of course, do not know, but scaring someone with saying "banning for three years" (three years, was it, right?) is nonsense.

I'm not sure if I was ever banned, or grounded. I never have been very outgoing, so, grounding me was not much of a punishment. As for banning me from doing something, yes, well, I explained in an other post that it is quite impossible to stop me from doing something. But then again, why and for what would someone try to stop me from doing? After all, I have quite a normal daily scheldue I keep myself on.


New Member
Well duh, do you think I was born with the age I have now? Everyone has been a child at some point but yet my parents didnt ovrprotect me or anything similar to that :)


New Member
A bit late to say that ill miss her, though better late than none...
And my parents arent banning me from almost everything, the only thing that is limited to me are games. but that have changed a bit last days. Cause i usually learn much and enough, mom lets me play. Though its also that i can play for a short while after making my homework. Though i got enough worries to dont have an absolute need to play.