Bacon = Satan Food!!


New Member

I have broken 2 teeth in my life.

Never once have I broke a tooth eating a jawbreaker.

Not one time did a tooth break while opening a pepsi bottle.

I bit into a buckshot pellet once in a piece of sausage that was from a broken tooth.

The two time in my life I have broken teeth, they have been broken by bacon. Not hard cooked thick bacon...just your normal, run-of-the-mill el cheapo brand store bacon. I don't get it. Did I torture pigs in a past life?

Edit* This rant was from breaking a tooth this past week. W00t!!

Mom's Son

New Member
you have thin teeth... My dad has same problem. You'll have to get false teeth or, porcelin veeners in the future. ^ spell check I'm lazy.


New Member
OK, here's my take on this one. The buckshot pellet, and the pepsi cap, and the jawbreakers.......they were priming your tooth for the bacon. Sort of like putting KYjelly on.....ah nevermind.


New Member
Puppet said:
OK, here's my take on this one. The buckshot pellet, and the pepsi cap, and the jawbreakers.......they were priming your tooth for the bacon. Sort of like putting KYjelly on.....ah nevermind.



New Member
EMA said:
Puppet said:
OK, here's my take on this one. The buckshot pellet, and the pepsi cap, and the jawbreakers.......they were priming your tooth for the bacon. Sort of like putting KYjelly on.....ah nevermind.

bacon, EGGS, and cheeze samitch please


New Member
there's this little greasy spoon here in my neck of the woods called the chuckwagon. they have a sammitch called a bacon egg and potato. as its name implies, it has

fried potatos
ranch dressing
all on a 6" hoagie bun

now that's good eatin'!


New Member
rofl, you mofos should have come to the art show in cola town this weekend. my boy had a PBR Keg, White Bread, and 20lbs of bacon for refreshments. that was it.