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Elite SEAL

banned for having your name elite seal, but yet being a spetznas. so are your an american spetznas?

banned because idk why I made my name Elite SEAL, I just did, I like special forces, and since I'm in America, I made it Elite SEAL, but I really like the Spetsnaz too. (Spetznas is wrong spelling, but is the name of the clan I'm in, don't ask me how a Russian leader spelled a Russian word wrong lol)

So I'm a Ukrainian American who admires special forces.

Elite SEAL

banned because absolutely no offense intended at all, your country doesn't have special forces.

Elite SEAL

banned because I like both, but I don't know exactly what you mean by supporting them.


Active Member
Spuznick banned becuz i don't know why ya banned SEAL...

Seal banned becuz i lol at my country for not having special forces, lol the basic weapon of mexican army is a frikin MP5, and by pistol they have an anaconda o_O

Elite SEAL

Spuznick banned becuz i don't know why ya banned SEAL...

Seal banned becuz i lol at my country for not having special forces, lol the basic weapon of mexican army is a frikin MP5, and by pistol they have an anaconda o_O

that would be a double ban for you lol.

banned because they should have AK -47's and AK -74's which are probably cheaper and they should keep the Anacondas.