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Super Six 4

Banned because the story line on Modern Warfare 2 sucked

Wow are you kidding me? It's EPIC...EPIC. I mean, look at what happens-Army Rangers fighting in Afghanistan/Iran, forgot which one it was, taking down the guy whos supplying America's worst enemy-Makarov, the US gets invaded, TF 141 breaks into a GULAG, and you reunite with Captain Price, then fight your way through Sheperd's renegades, to finally kill him with a throwing knife to the head.

sounds pretty intense to me.

banned because your wrong.

Banned: because I was sad when Ghost died : (

this retarded thread doesn't make sense anymore.... ahhhhhhhhh

runs out screaming/

Yeah dude, Ghost and "Soap" are the total badasses of the game!

if you recall, I believe that before "The Pit," the Ranger that is standing by the gun table mutters something about Delta Force and Rangers doing "The Pit" ("D-Boys and Rangers always are gibing at each other), and then says something along the line of"

"that guy with the freaky facemask and the mohawk man..."...note to self:facemasks and mohawks make you badass:thumbup1: lol

banned for liking Ghost because you should.