banned because you banned an administrator with only 84 posts
Walter Administrator Staff member Feb 10, 2009 #947 You where too fast, I wanted to ban him because he insulted an admin So now you are banned because you came into my way....
You where too fast, I wanted to ban him because he insulted an admin So now you are banned because you came into my way....
mrman226 Member Feb 10, 2009 #950 banned for banning me for banning you for banning me for banning Johnhg7 for banning you for banning me for banning Johnhg7 for banning me. Whew. Everybody on the page.
banned for banning me for banning you for banning me for banning Johnhg7 for banning you for banning me for banning Johnhg7 for banning me. Whew. Everybody on the page.
mrman226 Member Feb 11, 2009 #952 banned because technically I only banned one person, but that person banned another person, and then they banned another person and so on.
banned because technically I only banned one person, but that person banned another person, and then they banned another person and so on.
pkf0rtzh4ar New Member Feb 11, 2009 #953 banned cos u talk too much about banning, and cos i banned you but you still can log in
mrman226 Member Feb 11, 2009 #954 banned because on FC (friend codes) if you get banned, you can still post lol
pkf0rtzh4ar New Member Feb 12, 2009 #955 banned because i dont understand you, but this is a thread and not a friend code.