Batterie clip.....thing



New Member
Gdog said:
Nintendo may give you anew one, but as far as I know, they are not sold seperately BY NINTENDO
Gdog is right it is not sold separatly, but nintendo will give you a new one or u will have to buy it from them. You will get one from nintendo though. Ive noticed that nintendo's customer service has rised and is focusing less on money like they used too. Nintendo has become more generous.:) They will likely give you it for free.


New Member
Danny said:
Ryano said:
Danny said:
jesta said:
Yep sure thing!
3hrs is only a guestimate... lol

My batteries last 60 hours..

60 hours!!!

No way, how is that possible?...
Most likely because my batteries cost $50.. and are not cheap.. They're rechargeable too :)

Wow, that's expensive batteries, but they are completly worth it if they actually run for 60 hours. Though i never heard of batteries like that. Are you from America by any chance.


New Member
Pythorne said:
I think they are worth it i would pay 50 bucks for rechargeble batteries that last for 60 hours....

I still think its too much money, you could buy a game for that money for gods sake...


New Member
Pythorne said:
I think they are worth it i would pay 50 bucks for rechargeble batteries that last for 60 hours....

ya but they would die out pretty fast afterwords becuase rechargable batteries have a limit to how much they can be recharged. these batteries probably use a lot of energy for it to last 60 hours.


New Member
wiipointsmaster said:
Pythorne said:
I think they are worth it i would pay 50 bucks for rechargeble batteries that last for 60 hours....

ya but they would die out pretty fast afterwords becuase rechargable batteries have a limit to how much they can be recharged. these batteries probably use a lot of energy for it to last 60 hours.

Yeah your probadly right...