Begginers Modeling Tutorial Part 1-Getting Familiar with Gmax


New Member
Knowledge Required: No modeling knowledge needed what so ever.
Tools Needed:Gmax (for this model we wont need convertors, because were not importing our model into warcraft 3 yet.)
Time Needed:5-10 minuetes depending on how much of a fast learner you are, and how carefully you read.

Usefull things to know

When you first launch gmax, you are presented with this screen. (I have labeled some parts for later refrences.

The parts that were going to be studying are: Main Menue, Object Toolbar, and View Tools.
Main Menue: This basically contains every tool you need to model, animate, and skin. It is also where you change preferences and stuff. I will get more into the main toolbar later, but for now all you need to know is that you use the main tool bar to start a new file, clear your canvas, load an existing file, save a file, import a file, and export a file.
Object Toolbar: This tool bar contains a bunch of sub toolbars, which i'll get into later. But what you need to know about this toolbar is, that every function in this toolbar can also be done using the Main Menu, its just that the object toolbar is sort of like a shortcut. You can create simple shapes using the Object Toolbar, such as boxes, spheres, cylindars, etc...
View Tools: The view toolbar contains a bunch of tools that effects your view of the object your modeling. We'll get more into this a little later on in this tutorial.

Ok now that your a tiny bit familiar with gmax we can begin this tutorial.

Lets begin allready!

1. Open up gmax (you should allready know how to do this...)
2. Once you open gmax, you allready start with a blank document, but for the purpose of this tutorial, i want you to click on File (on the main menu) and then click on New. (if you dont know what the main menue is, read this document from the beggining, next time dont just skip to the good part.)
3. You presented with a pop up, that has 3 options...the options are pretty self explanotory. What we want to do is start a complete new fiel, so we'll choose New All.
4. Ok, now lets put a simple shape in our file, on the Object Toolber, make sure the first tab is selected (the tap with the picture of the cursor, and a white piece of light.)
5. Now click on box and on the canvas drag a box to create the base of the box, then move the mouse up to create the hight of the box.
6. Ok so now lets learn about the views, There are 8 view tools in the view toolbar. Here is an explanation of them.
Zoom: This tool will obviously zoom in on ur taget, but it will only zoom on one of the 4 view points.
Zoom All: This tool will zoom through all 4 of the view points.
Zoom Extent: This tool will automacly zoom in to the size of your object, but only for one of the 4 view points.
Zoom Extent All: This tool will automacly zoom in to the size of your object, for all 4 view points.
Field of View: I haven't really found out what this does, just try it out...
Pan: This will simply "pan" the camera
Arc Rotate: This one is also self explanotory, it will rotate the camera.
Min/Maximize: This tool will make the selected view point maximized, meaning that you will only have one view points, for example front, but it will cover the whole screen.

And that is basically it, i mentioned was the toolbars, creating a basic shape, and controling the camera. I hope this tutorial wil help somebody, because i know how hard it is to find a tutorial as simple as this. Please comment on this tutorial. I need to know what needs imporvement and what i is good, because i will be making more parts for Begginers Modeling.

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