Best Weapon


Elite SEAL

hmm...well... the P90, M4, M416, M4 SOPMOD, G36 NAROC, etc.

all guns can be categorized as a "good" gun, but they all have their different roles, power, accuracy, who uses it, etc.


Active Member
I assume that you mean "biased", and the best weapon differs for each player. Everyone has their own skills with different guns/weapons.

Yea, my friend loves the ssg550, and i cant stand it. We're just two different styles of players. I rather have high damage and accuracy with mobility so i can do hit and run tactics. He likes to get into fire fights and battle it out. It's just your style of playing.


Active Member
Damn there are too many great guns. My favorites are M416 CQB, g36ke, sopmod, p90, pp19, and many more.

I use the M416 CQB and its by far one of my favs, along with the sopmod which I only have a lil bit of use with, but I liked it, and I have quite a bit of use with the pp-19, which is one of the greatest smgs I ever used. The G36ke i never used, but if its anything like the G36e I doubt ill like, and the p90 isnt one of my favorites, but I use to use it quite a bit, and is a solid gun with a bit of moding.


Active Member
No ones just gonna give you NX.

That is one of the most annoying things other than getting called hacker all the time. Like really I can see if you join a clan and the leader gifts stuff for doing really good then ok, but asking some random person that has nx if they can gift you something is really out there. like one time this guy added me and bugged me to the point where I just logged off. Its annoying to be asked all the time, when I dont get nx all that much. If you really want NX buy it, or join a clan that gives it to each other for doing good.


New Member
i have used it from picking it off the ground but p90 kicks ass and that sniper with the full bar of damage kicks ass 2 lol my name is kill3rnoob if people want to play


Active Member
the only thing i have asked for is a HOLOSIGHT scope, ppl says is better even tan the ITECH...not really expensive...i wnna put one of those in my m16...