Beyond this life


New Member
To tell you the truth, back in the day when I thought that my life completely sucked, I didn't really believe in any existence after death either. But I started thinking about it, and realized that that isn't a very encouraging thought. I mean come on, who wants to just fade out of existence?


New Member
It's impossible to imagine because it is... uh... nothingness, so it will immediately become a depressing thought. There is... nothing else to say about it.


New Member
I believe what is beyond life is true tranquility of the soul, a resting place rid of fear and doubt. For those who choose to ruin the afterlife, the ers, the rapists, the theives who do not beg for forgiveness, who live in the shadows will only find more endless shadow. The place of tranquility i speak of is heaven, the place of endless shadow is hell. What awates for people like me in heaven i do not know, in fact its really hard to imagine seeing as there probably wont be anything that us people find 'pleasureable'. I do believe though that what god has in store for me is something great, and so i live my life in anticipation.


New Member
There are those who say: "You live only once, so live to the fullest" and "live everyday like it is your last", both are something to pay give thought.

You could say that rapists, thieves, or anything similar are following one (or both) of those I just mentioned. Which also means they don't care too much about how other people live, and what it might cause to them.

I'm a patient person. Not as patient as I used to be, but patient nonetheless. But I am not able to live a boring life waiting for a possible reward that cannot even be confirmed. Therefore, after eighteen years of being quite dull and boring, I'm finally living the way to live and I don't have a single regret. That I've done things that can't be appreciated is true as well, but I try to live my life without regrets.
"Many people have regrets when they look back. I'll continue doing the thing I love, so I will have no regrets."


New Member
yes,even if u believe in afterlife=happiness,eternal happiness would be borin,u need the bad things to make the good things seem good :)


New Member
Isn't that what they say? There is no good without evil. What could be considerd good when there is nothing what is not good, after all...

Also if it is "eternal pain", it is possible to get immune to everything, which includes pain, as far as I know. If it is "eternal", I guess you have more than enough time to adjust to it. :p After a while, I don't think they have much of a difference.

But I don't believe in an aferlife. =)


New Member
I heard an opinion that Polish people are one of the most religious nations in Europe. Well, im quite religious too, when talking about afterlife, i believe in heaven and hell.

Note:its my 500th post. :p
Not a very encouraging thought, if you ask me...
afterlifes only 'exist' so you can sleep sound tonight knwoing that if you die you'll go to a better place.
Hell was created to kind of 'keep people under control' by sayinf if your bad you'll suffer forever. Quite simple concept..just like those morals.
Pretty much religion is cheating you into a friendly life.
And really, there is no good OR bad, only point of view. So go figure, in one's eyes your going to heaven, in another's you're going to hell.
You die, your dead, why would you get to have more fun after dieing?!
Sigh...relgion such a endless subject..


New Member
I don't believe in any type of religion myself,but i think ur right H_D,heaven exists only to make people feel safe.It's just like the crash position on planes,it only exist to make u feel better (really its to kill ya quicker if it crashes :/ )anyway,and hell,its just like any of those fairy tail like monsters uinder ur bed,meant to keep ppl in check.