Boost My Ego

Who thinks "=)= Pots =(= Ponti" cheats?

  • I Do

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Dont

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
LastManStanding keeps accusing me of hacking...just makes me feel good because I remember starting off 6months ago everyone telling me how much I sucked; Getting scores of 1-30. Cool that now I'm good enough that someone would think I hack.

Hard to convince people without meeting me, but I am a very honest and moral person. I have cheated before by letting a girl copy my homework and I will never do it again. For a month after that I thought I would get kicked out of school and my conscience was killing me. I know its a gay story but its why I will never cheat.

Theres always a consequence for your actions.


New Member
I think we all go through a phase in our Counterstrike development where we go for blaming anyone better than ourself as a cheater. I have done it myself. I believe you get to a point where you have tried very hard to develope your skills and then someone comes along and pops you so easily. Your first thought is that it's not humanly possible for anyone to develope to that level. If you watch players like Ponti, Holiday, Dilla, etc (I got a list that goes all the way up my arm) then you come to the realization that they are just plain good. So don't be too hard on LMS. He's going through that phase and he's a competitive guy. I say we shut this vote down. Ponti is only guilty of not being much of a talker.


New Member
Puppet said:
I think we all go through a phase in our Counterstrike development where we go for blaming anyone better than ourself as a cheater. I have done it myself. I believe you get to a point where you have tried very hard to develope your skills and then someone comes along and pops you so easily. Your first thought is that it's not humanly possible for anyone to develope to that level. If you watch players like Ponti, Holiday, Dilla, etc (I got a list that goes all the way up my arm) then you come to the realization that they are just plain good. So don't be too hard on LMS. He's going through that phase and he's a competitive guy. I say we shut this vote down. Ponti is only guilty of not being much of a talker.

I went through the same thing. I think we all have a sort-of "if you are better than me you cheat" syndrom. It's really bad though when you start...that's called n00bitist (newb-eye-test).



Ramon Knight

New Member
[edit] Oh shit..i voted yes cause i thought it said stacker.... :-P

Yeah..i mean i've played against the punx, like dilla and j-holiday..then one day this smokey dude comes along and i can't get a single shot offa him..but then again i think he was banned, so maybe he did hack :roll:

Second, i think us POTS guys all started off middle of the road and have been getting better from the type of players we've been playing against. This is a good pub to improve your skills on.


New Member
Hack, Smack....... Smokey, Okie-Dokie. Everyone on Punx is legit else we find them and dismember them and deliver them in a brown paper bag to their momma. Our admins have new tools coming that will determine hackers so if any of you use them, now is the time to clean your system. No need to become another paper bag victim.

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