

New Member
Darn it! Break is almost over and i really don't wanna go back to School. ! School in a Way is fun i get good grade's and all but i don't like school that much > <


New Member
Don't complain about it, Jessica. I... no, a lot of people I know would do quite a lot of things to be in a similar situation as you. As a matter of fact, more than 60% of my MSN-contact list share the same opinion as me as for going to school. We all want to go back to school.

I didn't have a break for a while now. I (probably) have a day off coming friday and I will have a spring break (of a week) coming up in a few weeks too, but that's about it. Besides that, I, and most people I know have a fourty-hour working week, so...
I can't wait until my teacher finally calls me with his words: "Ed, you've failed this year." Since it is something I am sure of already anyway.
You see, halfway during the year, I had a hard time. My grades went down a dramatic speed, and I wasn't able to pull the grades up high enough throughout the rest of the year, and it will cost my head now at the end of the ride.

But besides that, I'm pretty fond on school, and have been most of the time. With an exception of my freshman year in High School, I've always had fun. Not to mention that the real fun part (for me) is going to start next year... as I've finally found what I'm good at, not to mention that I started to keep in touch with quite a lot of people now too. I've found out that I get loose after I adjust to my enviroment, which is quite logical. Though I've finally found out how long I need to adjust on average. Also important, I act like a real @sshole to people I've only add recently to my MSN-list, but that is my opinion. Most people say the opposite of it, but I find that I act like a real @sshole. It takes half a year (read: 6 months) until I get loose and start to act like the kind of person I really am. Though I've known this for some time, it is something I didn't have the proof for to confirm it. Partly because I haven't added anyone to my contact list for quite some time, but also because I didn't really need to test it. About two, or three months ago, I've added someone, and as expected, I've found myself acted as an @sshole, like I predicted. Though I was proved otherwise by that person, I still stick to my opinion.
More importantly, I've finally started to act like the real me (finally) to a classmate of mine who has added me on MSN. I hardly ever talked to her both at school - she not the type of person I hang out with, and I'm not the kind of person she likes to hang out with - and on MSN, but I find myself talking to her for hours now... now, after six months. Not only her though, but during the time she added me on her contact list, a few other (old) classmates added me too, and I likewise. Again, I didn't talk to most of them often at school, but I talk to them quite often now.
Now that I found that out, and have a rough number of contacts left at those school, I just might be able to draw all potential out of it which is possible... and my intention.

Probably one of the most important things for me is getting together with someone. Not to mention that I have a deal running with a friend, that is the following: "Get a girl within five months." Which is exactly what I am planning to do. I forgot about the fact that the moment we made that deal, my school was just about to end and so was my free time. So I made the deal quite hard for myself, not to mention that the girl I was trying to impress is quite a dead-end. *mumbles* I've never met someone with such a long relationship...*mumbles*

But all in all, I like school. I'm fond on most teachers and I tend to be quite a friendly guy to (all) my (and others') classmates. I'm often going right with, or completely against the flow (which often depends on my mood) which has both quite nice results. Though it's a bit of a shame that I'm in the bad book of two of my teachers because of that. One of them thinks I underestimate the school work - which is only partly true; I do underestimate it a bit, but it is more accurate if you'd say that I'm just plain bad in what he teaches, which is the main reason why I (probably) won't make it this year - and the other... well, she and I made a deal not to ask each other anything. She doesn't learn me anything new, and I am able to correct her mistakes as well, which is pretty painful at such a level by a student. Not to mention that she is very proud on herself, and therefore is very easily annoyed and hates to be corrected... especially by a student, such as myself. Because I tend to make mistakes too, she tried to pick every single oppertunity to correct me, but hey, I'm quite used to be corrected. :p Not to mention that my pride is becoming more trivial every passing day. But all in all, because of that, we got in quite a few arguments before, which resulted in the fact that we won't ask questions to each other. We're on (somewhat) good terms now though. But hey, I'm not going to school anymore. :p

Because most of my friends have decided to stop with school (all of them has a seperate, and quite logical reason) and started to work, I'm a little... off. When I'm having a break, they are still at work. When I'm at school, they're having a break. So, it is quite hard to spend a lot of time together because of that. Except for one of those friends, I rarely see many of the others, which annoys me quite much. I'll try and get some together during the football WK... even though most of them don't like football (I do), it is a great option to get together. Not to mention I'm having my birthday during the WK. :p I remember it all too well two years ago, during the football EK, when it was Holland - Sweden, which Holland won on penalties. I was quite drunk during that time, and I thought the Dutch keeper stopped the first ball and I started to cheer right after it. It took a while until I noticed I was the only one cheering, seeing that the ball wasn't stopped at all. Right after Holland won, together with some friends we started to walk over the street to a local pub to get some cigarrets. Halfway there, I started singing something. A bit embarrassing to go into details...
But that was a good way to get together again.

School has great memories. I really miss my (first) sophmore year of High school (note: I had to redo my sophomore year in High school)... everyone I got friends with back then are still my best friends now. Not to mention that we were quite well known throughout the school back then because of many, many reasons.


New Member
Well, I got some off days now because of the holidays. But it's not like I'm too happy with it...

I'm trying to figure out how I can get to the capital out here in a short time now. If I can get there while I remain in my current budget (and get back) and in a reasonable time, I just might be having one heck of a good time for my "break."
Most of my muscles are aching, so I could use some time off to relax. :p
Today is my last vacation day. Friday :(. Then I get sat. and sun. off but..hey. This sucks because I don't get the days AFTER Easter off.

I read that post (1st one) and you said "She doesn't learn me anything new"
Yes, common ESL mistake I see ;) It is supposed to be "She doesn't teach me anything new" Yes, yes, that is right. :)
~Just thought you might want to be corrected.


New Member
Take it however you want. She doesn't teach me anything new, she doesn't learn me anything new, she is quite a waste of a paycheck, in my personal opinion.
She and I aren't really the best of friends, but I think I made quite an explanation in that post.

When is Easter anyway? :p


New Member
I'm already out of school, but now I got a job instead. :p

But I got the same as Undead. Just those two days off, but if my muscles finally stop aching, I was planning of going out tomorrow... so, if that is the case, I'll probably won't be on much tomorrow. When I go out, I stay away for a while. :p


New Member
I'm beat. I feel like chewed on and spit out. I wanted to use today to rest and relax, and I did, but if I'm back in business tomorrow, I'll be going out a bit. But if the weather end up being bad (I wanted to go out last thursday too, but it was raining quite hard), I guess I'll stay home too. I have some things to watch, some books to read, some stuff left to study. I'll entertain myself... or bore myself.

I'll kill time until the 29 of April. ^^