Can Anyone Share With Me Their Strategy To kill a enemy w/o Dieing and when reloading


New Member
I don't want to be the b-----d that tells you to camp, so I'll say this: to kill an enemy: Don't just start spraying as soon as you see him! lin up your shot, the TAP the fire button when you fire, Just like in halo, It's more accurate and puts almost as many bullets out. I usually play on Junk Flea, And I use the MP5 because I run around (camper fodder, I know), I try to get around behind them, sprint up and then just destroy them with automatic fire. (use the bridge-ish thing to get up above then jump down to get behind)
The most effective strategy as a few people have already said, is to NOT GET IN A HEAD TI HEAD FIGHT. If you win, you will have 20 or so HP left and get killed easily. USe cover, wait for them to get close enough.
AS far as bunnyhoppiong goes, I don't use it because I just hate the innaccuracy and waste that it neccessitates. But, as a person who has face bunnyhoppers, It's as annoying as hell! you can't hit them and they scare the crap out of you because you think your going to die a ot faster than you do. So, either
Snipe (doesn't really get you a lot of kills unless your EXTREMELY good)

Hide wait for them to pass you (or ninja-like use the second story of maps to get behind) and rape them while taking no damage, (not camping because as soon as you kill one person, you move on or else you get naded)

If you must go head to head,
AR: either stop, crouch and tap a 4 round burst into them to kill them or use the scope if your far off and keep moving It slow your turns but lets you be accurate (if you have the third scope.....)
SMG: fire in burst but no scope and keep running, that's what the smg is for.

Reloading: get to a 'camping spot' to reload, that's all I use them for.


New Member
I always reload after each kill unless i can see another guy, hear someone walking, or i only lost a couple of bullets. I do this so much it has become a reflex to reload.

i also never go out into combat without an extended clip(really only on machine guns and maybe if i have the money ill by and extended clip for a fast firing sniper)Belive me extended clips will get u a lot more kills and unless u have bad aim you should almost never have to reload in combat(expesually with the +15 clip)


New Member
I always reload after each kill unless i can see another guy, hear someone walking, or i only lost a couple of bullets. I do this so much it has become a reflex to reload.

i also never go out into combat without an extended clip(really only on machine guns and maybe if i have the money ill by and extended clip for a fast firing sniper)Belive me extended clips will get u a lot more kills and unless u have bad aim you should almost never have to reload in combat(expesually with the +15 clip)

The downside to this is, you'll eventually get used to reloading after EVERY kill, and will have those times when you'll die whilst reloading.
So I suggest purchasing the Health and Ammunition version of the scope, you will be able to tell your ammunition without losing visibility of what's in front of you, therefore you can save time by not reloading.
It's better if you get used to not reloading until necessary.


New Member
Bah Im kinda different from you guys...Usually you expect people to move around you the confuse you or bunnyhop (I aint playin in nubs servers). I can;t say im a good player neither, and much to the difference , I am quite nervous about realoding. I use unmodded G36 and Im kinda ALWAYS realoading.Yes, made me killed some times.To continue with my strafe story, I find it funny to do absolutely nothing while the guys moves around you shooting.Most of the times, they think Im not, but the thing is, while no moving, I have a increased accuracy (Almost perfect). They are indeed confused by the fact they have to shoot while spinning around a idle opponent.I just lift my aim , and when his head passes, Bang. Headshot.Yes, Im kinda low on Hp, but its fun being called a Idle Hacker afterwhile.


New Member
this is what i do: ALWAYS find some cover. go move around alot. just jump sometimes. also if you have about 10-5 maybe 15 bullets left in a big place reload before.


New Member
I usually strafe from left to right while trying to kill an enemy.

For reloading, try to find the nearest cover as possible. But if you cannot...resort to your last choice? B-Hing..


Alright madjanet I get where ur getting at but I wudnt suggest this strategy for begginer unless ur a good shot otherwise my advise is to Stay hidden(especially for snipers) and/or stay crouched and stay still and while ur enemy is moving around u'll have a better chance with good accuracy. This is best for shotguns.

Oh and if ur relodin (keeping my stay still tactic) thats when its best for u to sprint and jump all over the place hehe.


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