coke or Pepsi


New Member
Intoxicated said:
up here dr pepper is a coke product

well actually its a product of 7up/dr pepper, but i used to work in a bottle room and its coke bizatches

Then who makes Mr. Pibb? And why can only get Dr. Pepper out of a Pepsi machine?


New Member
All I know is if you get caught with coke the cops are much tougher on you then if you have Pepsi; nuff said.

By the way they are not even close to the same taste, and Pepsi is much, much, much, cheaper. You ever price 12 oz of Pepsi vs 12 oz of coke?


New Member
I had to stop buying soda because my daughter was drinkin it too much, then she would leave the cans half full and go open another one...that's it no more soda Alyssa, drink ice tea :)


New Member
Saying that coke tastes like pepsi makes as much sense as saying miller lite tastes like bud light. Us serious drinkers can tell the difference. 8)