Creaate a Perk of your own


Super Six 4

no like he had a l96. it epic sucked for me lol

Wow...screw him. Hackers...the scum of video games. What they don't friggin understand is that ITS A DAMN VIDEO GAME, GUYS! NO ONE GIVES A ** ABOUT THAT YOUR A LEVEL WHATEVER!*

*not talking to anyone here, just venting hatred towards those dumbass nerds.:LOL:

Throwing FIRE BALLS that explode

Wow...sounds like Bioshock! How about adding in electricity, and then telekinesis, so you can throw back stuff they throw at you lol:thumbup:


New Member
If I could make a perk it would be some sort of cloaking device, so you can go invisible for a little bit, or if you;re not moving.


A third gun perk so I could use M4A1 for medium range and M16 for far range + have a normal secondary either usp akimbo or a shot gun


New Member
I've always wanted some sort of body armour perk that stops you from being knifed. Sometimes knifing is so annoying, it seems that you shouldn't even bother shooting as people just lunge through your bullets and kill you with one knife. The body armour perk would stop this.

Super Six 4

Or require only lethal hits from throwing knives/knives/tomahawks. So that a tomahawk to the finger wouldnt kill you but it would to the face.


New Member
Or require only lethal hits from throwing knives/knives/tomahawks. So that a tomahawk to the finger wouldnt kill you but it would to the face.
Yeah exactly.
Just yesterday I walked by a guy who was in prone position.
He knifed my shins and I died, which is ridiculous.
It should have to be something vital, like your head or chest, to kill you.


New Member
PS1 Graphics perk.

Gives your character a graphical look like, the PS1.


Body Armor.
Hahaha why would you want graphics like the PS1?!
And what do you mean by body armor? Would it shield the player from explosives, bullets, knives, what?!