Untitled Trigger 001
????????Unit - A unit owned by Neutral Hostile Dies
????????Wait (Random real number between 30.00 and 60.00) seconds
????????Unit - Create 1 (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) for Neutral Hostile at (Position of (Dying unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
Untitled Trigger 001
????????Unit - A unit owned by Neutral Hostile Dies
????????Wait (Random real number between 30.00 and 60.00) seconds
????????Unit - Create 1 (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) for Neutral Hostile at (Position of (Dying unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
worst respawn ever made, its usually used but, it respawn creep at position where it died not in position where it were created, so later it may result at map with creeps ONLY in one place
Unit groupd - pick evry unit in (units owned by Neutral (hostile)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
set creep_count=(creep count + 1)
set creep_pos(creep_count)= (Position of (picked unit))
set creep_type(creep_count)=(unit type of (picked unit))
Unit - Set custom value of (picked unit) to creep_count[/b]
Action - (For each integer A) from 1 to creep_count, do (actions)
Loop - Actions
If (all conditionsare true) then do (then action) else do (else action)
If - Conditions
Creep_dead (Integer A) equal True
(Remaining time for creep_timer(integer A)) less than or equal 0.00
Then do - actions
Unit - create 1 creep_type (Integer A) for Neutral(hostile) at creep_pos(integer A) facing (Random Angle Degrees)
Unit - Set the custom value of (last created unit) to (integer A)
Set creep_dead (integer A) = false
Else do - Action
Do nothing[/b]
You may put here some unit that doesnt respawn or something, example
Unit type of (triggering unit) not equal to Death knight
Timer - start creep_timer (Custom value of (dying unit)) as one shot timer that will expire in (Random real number beetwen 75.00 and 90.00 seconds)
Set creep_dead [(custom value of (dying unit))] = True[/b]
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