
Did you believe I was Ex-Cal I when I first came onto the server?

  • Hell Yes, I was in shock and awe the second you walked in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, you scores havent always been that high but your passion for the game is there.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not really, your just average.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You suck at CS, go find another game to play.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
lmao! IM loving it aswell JustAnotherStayAtHomeDad
. thank you. thank you for the lovely comments. Please learn to stop taking me seriously, I'm here for etertainment purposes. In honesty, everything I have put in my introduction is true, everything I have written outside my introduction may or may not be true... i'll let you figure that out. But on a serious note I would like to apologize to Rancid and Deathgrip for my viloent abusive slurs on the night of 2/20 2:05 am to be exact. I don't remember what was said due to intoxication overdose of alcohol. All said and done, I will respect admin and cooperate accordingly. Thank you!


New Member
im with dad on this one... sorry rancid and all others
i almost fell for it too but now seeing the info put
infront of me and then seein him ingame

gg cockbag


New Member
This is hilarious to me on many levels. First of all, I think Lion Heart is hilarious at times, but he needs new material, his normal schtick is getting played out and old. The only thing you might want to do Omar is maybe turn it down a few notches and show some respect to the admins, when they ask you serious questions, answer them seriously, not like a juiced up cockrocket.

The other thing I have found funny in this thread and the banned one Lion had is how judgemental and jaded this community has become. Used to be the only people excluded were those who hacked and/or flamed out hardcore on the forums. Now I see the formation of various cliques and inflated egos. True there will always be some people that one gravitates towards, but that is the way it goes when making friends and coexisting in a public arena. The massive diversity of each one of our unique personalities is what makes Punx great, please learn to deal with those that annoy you for the greater good. There are some people on here who annoy the hell out of me, and I maybe even despise a little, but it is all part of being in a community, and I learn to deal with it. Just exercise some restraint please is all I ask.
i guess we werent so lucky that your "alcohol overdose" didnt kill you, such a sad thing, that we have to put up with your idiotic ways. you should really go into the bathroom squirt liquid soap on the bottom of the bathtub then get industrial strength wire cable and hang yourself.


New Member
Physical Fattness said:
i guess we werent so lucky that your "alcohol overdose" didnt kill you, such a sad thing, that we have to put up with your idiotic ways. you should really go into the bathroom squirt liquid soap on the bottom of the bathtub then get industrial strength wire cable and hang yourself.
rofl!!copter number 2!
lets see how many more there will be :lol:


New Member
You guys just needed your dose of drama and Lion gave you the material for it. I find this all rather silly and unimportant.

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