Dawn Of The Therid Age



New Member
Nice screens, this looks much better than much of the other stuff showed earlier :p But on the first picture teh terrain could be a little more varied. Just 2 types a tile excluding the one used for cliffs.

Thx i havent notice that before im gonna change it :p


New Member
Hard to see the details as it is so far away but it looks a bit messy, could need some sort of "border" into that erhm.. Town? Maybe make some fences (those ones of steel) around the area or use walls.


New Member
ok... hello, i'm the main terrainst for this map and it has ALOT of work to go through still. I did it ages ago then i started back on it recently so i have t o change just about everything for the better. Many things are too bland or too flat and such. It will be improved and thank you all for your comments

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