Dear Satch56 - i don't hack


Thx gofast... last think I'm gonna say about this, unless Satch decided to join and back up his hackusation, which I welcome him to do, so that I can prove him wrong... but anyway, I got more pi$$ed when he said I had GoFast snowed... i think that really pushed me over the edge.. oh well


New Member
I understand what you're saying but I ijoy the game most of the time
My kdr is so low I don't have to many props being kicked or being called a hack
I just drink a lot of :beerglass:s and have fun most of the time anyway
I get mad when peeps kick my friends like satch did to Master
That makes me:cursing::cursing::cursing:

Yeah I quit too.. CA is overrated now

Super Six 4

I'm quitting CA for a little, jesus I made a clan right before the huge new hack wave, and I haven't been on lately, I think I'll keep it, and start recruiting again when the hacks start going away mostly, but that won't be for awhile...


good... I might jump on tonight or tomorrow night around 8pm CST, just so I can play a few with ya gary... i'm sorry though, I have been hitting COD really hard.... don't be mad...

Super Six 4

All the hackers probably were asleep lol *thinks about multi-million $$ project at the least, to find all hackers arrest them for cyber bullying*.


Active Member
I would suggest just starting over with a new game. I think im going to delete CA off my computer. I hate letting it go to waste since I put so much time into it, but Its pointless, the game is a lost cause.

Super Six 4

I would suggest just starting over with a new game. I think im going to delete CA off my computer. I hate letting it go to waste since I put so much time into it, but Its pointless, the game is a lost cause.

idk, AVA is ok, but ijji reactor screws up half the time. Crossfire is kinda ok but idk, Warrock is so outdated and literally everyone is a hacker, Wolf Team has bad graphics........rant, rant, rant, rant....


lol... I played a few with gofast tonight,,, no hackers... but here is whats funny... I logged in, then saw Gofast on, I did a join,,, and guess what.... it was Satch56's room.... lmao.... Satch said, there is Master7, he has like a 2.07 kdr, and I think he is somebody's friend, I don't like him but whatever..... and I was like WTF.... so I hit the mic and said, "Satch, lets have a discussion about this".... thats all I said and he kicked me.... the douchebag... I have never done anything to him... he calls me a hack and I defend myself in a civil way, no cussing, etc.... I just try to tell him, look me up, check my stats, look at my youtube vids... see how long i've been here.... but no, he is a grade A douchebag.... he then kicked GaryGoFast from the game to..... freaking jerk
idk, AVA is ok, but ijji reactor screws up half the time. Crossfire is kinda ok but idk, Warrock is so outdated and literally everyone is a hacker, Wolf Team has bad graphics........rant, rant, rant, rant....

You gotta get that reactor problem fixed. After that its smooth sailing.
I hate to say this, but i jumped in to AVA for the first time in awhile hacks. But if you don't have a good comp, i guess your sorta screwed.

This is kinda going of topic, but KARMA is a WW2 MMOFPS in beta at IJJI (same people who do AVA, and soldier front) Although its not open yet, i played in CB and it was pretty good, although there where already hacks in CB so, i guessing/hoping hack prevention is keep the game back before release. Although rumors say KARMA is going to go OB soon. Also the best part for you people with "bad" computers, the graphics worse than CA, although the videos on youtube look a lot worse than they really are. It looks better than crossfire.
There also Sudden Attack, which is like CA (rent weaps) although i have no idea how good it is or how/if hacking is. Graphics aren't that bad.

@Master, some people are jerks, and you can't negotiate with them. And that pretty much sums up why i stopped playing CA.


Just yesterday I got banned from one of my favorite servers in the older TrackMania for something called "time incoherence" or something of that nature, even though I wasn't doing anything. The weird thing was, that none of the players in the game even took a vote, the server just banned me for something I didn't do.

Super Six 4

You gotta get that reactor problem fixed. After that its smooth sailing.
I hate to say this, but i jumped in to AVA for the first time in awhile hacks. But if you don't have a good comp, i guess your sorta screwed.

This is kinda going of topic, but KARMA is a WW2 MMOFPS in beta at IJJI (same people who do AVA, and soldier front) Although its not open yet, i played in CB and it was pretty good, although there where already hacks in CB so, i guessing/hoping hack prevention is keep the game back before release. Although rumors say KARMA is going to go OB soon. Also the best part for you people with "bad" computers, the graphics worse than CA, although the videos on youtube look a lot worse than they really are. It looks better than crossfire.
There also Sudden Attack, which is like CA (rent weaps) although i have no idea how good it is or how/if hacking is. Graphics aren't that bad.

@Master, some people are jerks, and you can't negotiate with them. And that pretty much sums up why i stopped playing CA.

Ive seen ads for KARMA, looked interesting. SA? I signed up, verified, downloaded, hit play, and after a little bit a message came up that said something like "Hacks have been found, stop hacking..." something really weird and stupid like that, and I don't hack, never even tried.


Active Member
:cursing:I agree with Master 100%
Some times you just can't talk or negotiate with some of these JERKS what so ever
Satch56 is the biggest Jerk I've ever met:cursing::cursing::cursing:

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