Default Noob?


Elite SEAL

It was kinda funny because this one guy was obviously hacking on a jf melee round -his regular knife was reaching beyond my gifted ninjato, and I called him out, (oh, and he also was only getting headshots, even when I jumped past him twice -he headshotted me) and he told me to look at like teamspeak or something like that, and every freaking other second he was like "well, did you look me up?" -my response: "dude -1. I'm in the middle of a freaking game, 2. calm down, 3. If you want me to stop accusing you of hacking then lets stop and actually let me verify." lol, he left.


Active Member
Lately I've been saying I'm recording the game to the hackers and almost allways they leave. I dont record every game, but a few I do, or I start recording if they hack, but I usually dont report them other than to nexon, I just dont want to bother with putting it on youtube and what not.