New Member
DeJaVuu LVL 6
Recruiting new members!
We are looking for mature/legit members who enjoy and are committed to Clan Waring.
Youtube Edits of -AcidBlade (ADMIN):
We have a little bit of everything: Russian, French, Mexican, Jamaican, Ticos, Middle East, Barbados, Dominicans.
You Need To Have:
Teamspeak 3: http://teamspeak.com/?page=downloads
Teamviewer 7: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/index.aspx
You must be ready to be LGC Verified (http://www.legitgamingclub.net/show)
(If you have downloaded any hacks/modded files your ****** and will get denied which means you will get kicked)
You need to play with an admin/leader to show your skills before you can join.
drSHeFF Leader
-Mexxus Admin
-AcidBlade Admin
I-Got-My-PHD Admin
piercesctt Admin
M3TA1H3AD Admin
2 LT+ (exceptions made)
1.20+ KDR
1.00+ CW KDR
If you are interested in joining feel free to apply in game/thread using this format:
Teamspeak: your name
Teamviewer: your number
Previous clans:
Thanks for taking the time to read this, I know its a little long but worth it.
hope to see you in clan soon.