

New Member
blze said:
dc, NIIIIIIEEEEEEECE. i gotta friend out in denver who is gonna shit when he sees the ghostbusters one.

we used to have a castle wolfenstein squad and a cs scrim squad that was [gB]

[gB] Ray Stantz - blze
[gB] Peter Venkman - Darkwing Duck
[gB] Egon Spangler - 0piate
[gB] Winston Zeddmore - Robv

lols, i had to give them a shout out! thats old skewl mang.

mang mang mang mang mang
[gB] Slimer - eggs


New Member
alright.. I am not done with this yet but heres kind of what to expect with it. still have a fair amount of shit that I still want to do to it but its looking pretty hot so far.. the first image will be all the shit I have done so far and then the second one is the sneak peek


New Member
thats starting to look pretty good deathcorpse.....some ideas if you don't mind.

try using the brush tool to put in your highlights and shadows instead of the emboss options. with the emboss options, you end up with what looks like a 2d cut out of paper that's embossed.

using the brush to create them gives you greater control over the apperance. not to mention the dodge and burn tools.


New Member



New Member
i fucking love cheetarah! she helped my pp out when i was youngin!

nice job dc! thanks man!!

wooot 1 more till 1000 postits!!