Diablo II (expansion) Guide


New Member
Now I suddenly got curious. The main post mentioned that it will be updated again, but it has been a while already. Are you still tired? If so, then you are in my point of view officially the most tiresome person I know and a friend (who is quite common in my QotD) lost her title. =P

(tal thul ort amn)
On a side note... I don't remember short names well, but isn't Amn not quite hard to find? I only remember ever getting one of them. ('Amn' sounds familiar because it is related to the name of one of my favorite games of all times)


New Member
all of thoose runes are very easy to find and are considered common runes, but higher level people will commonly over pay for them instead of wasting time finding them, also i do sleep about 15 hours a day, and i might post some stuff later,but i have been grounded and am only allowed 1 hr of computer time, which i dont plan on typing up character builds and what not...


New Member
Hmm... I can't rememer Amn myself. Oh well...

Sleep 15 hours a day? =\ Ouch. One of my friends have been up for 2 days straight now (and I'm talking with him as we speak) and I have been exhausted for a couple of days straight for some reason. Fifteen hours of sleep would sound like heaven for both of us.

Anyone, sorry that you're grounded. Whatever you did, don't do it again. It probably has a decent/good reason.


New Member
no actually it doesnt one of my teachers was sick for about 2 months so my grades for the class werent updated so it said i had an F so i have to wait for about 3 months to get ungrounded, or untill i get a progress report


New Member
Complain at the school? The problem doesn't sound very intensive to me. Could and should have been solved in mere minutes.


New Member
well my teacher has a month of papers and 600 students so u can understand why its still taking a while, not only that i also have to wait for a progress report... but enough about that