Diablo or WOW ?



New Member

well i just got WoW and i hope i dont get ripped i also just noticed because you pay 15$ a month it makes yoiu want to play more so it doesnt seem like a waist of money therefor making you play more making you pay more i hope i dont get sucked in :eek: *gulp*


New Member
What server are you playing on? I'm possibly going to start playing WoW again, if I can manage to reinstall it on my computer, which won't work for some reason...

We should get all the WoW players on this forum, start new characters on the same server, get together, and then eventually start our own guild, "The Lords of the Anvil". lol


New Member
We can't,because of the fucking EU/USA thing they're put into different zones so the servers are different. All thre europeans who have WoW could meet and all the USA/Australia players could meet,but not all of us.
I think thats stupid,they should put britain with USA and australia so we at least have fellow english-talkers (purely for language, not because i dislike any of the other ccountries,and not because of political ties).


New Member
Actually perhaps the americans have got just about as good english as europeans :p.
Lol,it was just coz that "I don't know how to spell it" post seemed so rightly timed :)


New Member
Coming from a place where English isn't the first language is never an excuse to use poor grammar. :p After all, my brother (grammar nazi, red.) and me aren't from a place where English is our first language either. Not that I'm that perfect; I still have quite a high average of (grammar) mistakes. :p

The reasons why they seperate them is because it are different continents. It's quite a logical reason. Just like most people tend to speak English anyway...


New Member
I would change it to half, from what i saw on Battle.net. Half people tends to speak English, the rest: Doesnt know English, or cant bother English.


New Member
Yeah, I know all about it. French and German are (especially the first) are quite commonly used as well... and another one, but I never really knew what language that was.