Do any of you guys play on wireless internet?



New Member
nobody has analog cell phones anymore... It's all pcs, gsm, etc.

Another thing that might help is getting a higher gain antenna. I have one that I don't use anymore that I could send to someone if they pay for shipping or something.


New Member
Sorry Mach, but yes they do. I work in the wireless telecom industry, and two companies that I can think of right now STILL install analog eqipment on new cell builds (Cingular and Verizon install both 850 and 1900 MHz systems). Sprint, T-Mobile, Cricket, Dobson, American Cellular all install only 1900 in new builds. fyi :D


New Member
I happen to work in telecom as well. the thing that I was getting at is that chances are your cell phone is running gsm nowadays seeming as that is the most highly used and best covered system around right now. Not to mention it's the new hotness.


New Member
I actually work for a company that integrates monitor and control systems for hybrid networks (voIP, analog, digital, satsys, broadband whatev, you name it we integrate it). I get to play with all kinds of different toys old and new and hear stories about the newest cutting edge shit that we had to develop for.


New Member
I play on wireless, and as you can see from my ping, I'm usually between 100-140. Maybe that's because I'm a million miles away from you guys on the other coast AND on and island.
I would hardwire it up if I had the chance, but honestly, when I play on some of the servers that are closer to home (Seattle< Vancouver, Edmonton), my ping is between 20-40, and I'm pwning like nobody's business.
I think that wireless only becomes an issue if you have a) phones nearby, b) the microwaves on (yes, its true, when the microwave goes on for more than 3 min I lag out or time out), c) your playing from really far away from the server. But hey, I love the PuNx server and I'm going to keep playing no matter what my ping (until one of you guys kicks me :p ).


New Member
You're cool with us. If Iceman is cool with the long waits to get on our server and the bad ping then the Punx server must be the shiznit. I feel bad for guys like you and Omni that have the high ping due to distance the signal goes on the wire. It makes me wonder how much you would own if you were closer.