Do game reviews matter to you?


If I'm seriously considering buying a game then yes. If someone else has a problem with the game that isn't apparent at first glance then I don't want to waste the money on a game I end up not enjoying for the very same reason.


Lately I've noticed more and more reviews done on youtube, by guys who seem to be appreciated and subscribed to by many people. I've started to watch some too, but they don't appeal too much to me.


I do read them and give them some weight, but reviews never make the final decision for me. If you take the time to sift through and weed out the "fanboy" posts and obvious haters, then reviews can give great insight on whether or not a game will bore me after a few hours, annoy me, disappoint me with poor graphics, etc.
I read them to get an idea of if a game is worth my time. If a site gives a game a 5/10 and I love it I don't care though. I can form my own opinions.


It depends really. I pay a lot of attention to the review sites for games that are hyped up to be the sure for everything that makes you sad in life. These game of the year candidates that everyone proclaims based on cgi footage, and 10 seconds of gameplay in a trailer...

...How can you look at video, and tell if everything works and feels the way it's supposed to? Go back and look at video from Ninja Gaidan. Looks like it's kinda fun, no? NO! It's hard. A lot of the fun in that game is extracted after you finally manage to beat it once. You remove the demon cartridge from your Nintendo, throw it on the floor, and taunt vigorously. Game play doesn't tell the full story.


New Member
If I come across a game that I haven't heard of, yes; reviews do matter. But if it's the next installment or something widely known, then no. :) Sometimes I just read game reviews for fun and try 'em on my own despite the review.

Trailers aren't much for me. Yeah, they do look cool, but most of the game the gameplay's wouldn't be what I had expected from the trailer.


New Member
I honestly usually don't read game reviews. I talk to my friends and people I know who have played the game.
By doing this, most of the people know what I like in gaming and can help figure out if I'd like it or not.


New Member
Game reviews do not matter to me on my xbox or ps3. They only matter to me on my cell phone. Since the graphics aren't as good on devices, I will read reviews before downloading games on the app store. On xbox, I will only buy it if it is popular.


New Member
Nope, as based on my experience, i have played some games that i really enjoyed despite having bad reviews, so i guess it just means that to each his own and we all have different ideas when it comes to fun.


For the most part, I would have to say no. I demo most of the games that I want to buy or I've seen enough to know what I am getting into and expect as far as gameplay goes. There have been games that I want to play and I've had people try to warn me off of them, but I still want to play them and have managed to enjoy them.


New Member
Game reviews mean ZERO to me. Why should I listen to the opinion of someone telling me what they thing is "good" or not? I can do that myself. And I'm not even getting paid for it lol


Honestly, I'm a review writer myself but when I want to buy a game, I don't really care about other reviews and I've got my reasons. For example Alan Wake is really the worst game I've ever played in my life! Look at the review scores for Alan Wake and you'll see that it's the most overrated game in human history. The opposite goes for Ascension to the Throne.

That game is truly one of the greatest turn-based RPGs I've ever played. So the answer is a straight no, I never care about any review unless it's my own and I recommend you just read reviews for fun. Reviews never tell the truth about something like video games because everyone has different taste.