Does Wii Shop Channel Take long to load?



New Member
i gotta say i have never been on the channel. But it would also depend on the amount of traffic on the wii shop channel, as that could slow you.

PS LMAO on your sig timpz


New Member
hehe thanks kaitora :) I know that I had to restart my wii 3 times just for downloading the internet channel and everybody votes channels. and the downloading itself took maybe 2 hours! but that was before we got wireless ourelf, I "stole" it from our neighbours.


New Member
It's only illegal if your neighbour doesn't know about it.

Before i got my free 20mb broadband modem I was using my next door neighbours wifi from their router to connect to the internet on my PC and Wii.
This isn't illegal as they said I could, same difference as 2 people in the same house sharing a router, except my share was next door.

But, yeah, if you steal wifi signal from someone without their permission then if you get caught then you can get in trouble.

So don't even think about taking your wireless enabled laptop out in the car and sit outside someones house browsing the web, thats just wrong, LOL

At the end of the day, if you don't want people stealing your signal then get some security on it or you are just inviting people in.


New Member
if people don't have security, then it's their own problem. my channel takes approx. 3 min to load when it works, I got 8mb/s wireless