BillyTheKid said:
I dont blame him for the Hurracaine but the fact that he waited to mobilize the army to gtf down there and help out is mind blowing. and yes snickers is real food when you have nothing to eat.
I blame him for sending so many of our national guard to fight in Iraq and leaving the states short of local responders for shit like this. His mistake was made when he decided our reserve army was needed to fight on forign soil. he should have been sending full time profesional ARMY/navy/airforce ect, not our last line of defenders.
if the sothern states had 40,000 more national guard troops at home (where they belong) the responce would have been faster, and less people would be dead. Bush fucked up, but he did it 3 years ago, not last monday. He is doing everything resonable posable to assist at this point.
Looters? shoot them in the fucking head. they are loading up on clothes, shooting at police, stealing gasoline from reporters, generators from the comand centers of ambulance dispachers. Turning ambulances over to steal drugs for themselves to catch a buzz. They remind me why the South lost the Civil War.
I would be looting if I was stuck there, I would steal a case of candybars, some soda or water,an axe, and a boat out of sporting goods and go try and help people from drowning. These fucking bitches are stealing designer clothes acting like its a shopping spree. How do they think that $4,000 in clothes is gona be usefull next week after the governemnt kicks you out of your city? fucking selfesh cunt licking animals. They can wade through sewage to steal designer clothers and bikes, but can't make it to a shelter? come on!
Pets? I will put a fucking dog down today and go to the pound tomorow to get another one, they are fuking companion animals, not people. Do you feel bad that you ate a cheeseburger too? aww poor cow, lets morn the loss of our midday meal shall we? Fuck the Dogs, let them die with the looters, save the humans. Oh and get me a pistrami on whole wheat with mustard and kraut! MOOOooo
I lived in Kansas in '92 My parents lived in Missouri, I watched the water lappiing up the steps of the Jefferson memorial arch and on TV as levy after levy broke. I stood in sandbag lines untill I colapsed trying to protect some dumb ass farmers corn who planted in a flood plain. I scraped mud off the floor of my friends coffee house in downtown KC after the water went down, I know what they are going through and it fucking sucks, but that is no excuse to wander the streets looking for shit to steal, and people to shoot.
I have stayed off these threads to spare your sensetive eyes my opinion, but fuck blame at this point, that dosn't help anyone. Billy how in the fuck does a 16 year old kid have $3,600 to donate? you fucking steal childrens lawn toys for kicks, but you have a bankroll like that?
FYI they had ships loaded 2 weeks ago for this storm with 800 bed floating hospitals on the way in as soon as they Gulf was calm enough for them to move up the coast, they just didn't realize they needed 50 of them when they preped 4.