Donate Fuckers



New Member
billy i saw the news...people are looting from grocery stores and everything...getting snickers and other candy when you dont need it. I dont mind the people who were taking like diapers and stuff...but get real food if your going to get food...


New Member
I dont blame him for the Hurracaine but the fact that he waited to mobilize the army to gtf down there and help out is mind blowing. and yes snickers is real food when you have nothing to eat.
BillyTheKid said:
I dont blame him for the Hurracaine but the fact that he waited to mobilize the army to gtf down there and help out is mind blowing. and yes snickers is real food when you have nothing to eat.

I blame him for sending so many of our national guard to fight in Iraq and leaving the states short of local responders for shit like this. His mistake was made when he decided our reserve army was needed to fight on forign soil. he should have been sending full time profesional ARMY/navy/airforce ect, not our last line of defenders.

if the sothern states had 40,000 more national guard troops at home (where they belong) the responce would have been faster, and less people would be dead. Bush fucked up, but he did it 3 years ago, not last monday. He is doing everything resonable posable to assist at this point.

Looters? shoot them in the fucking head. they are loading up on clothes, shooting at police, stealing gasoline from reporters, generators from the comand centers of ambulance dispachers. Turning ambulances over to steal drugs for themselves to catch a buzz. They remind me why the South lost the Civil War.

I would be looting if I was stuck there, I would steal a case of candybars, some soda or water,an axe, and a boat out of sporting goods and go try and help people from drowning. These fucking bitches are stealing designer clothes acting like its a shopping spree. How do they think that $4,000 in clothes is gona be usefull next week after the governemnt kicks you out of your city? fucking selfesh cunt licking animals. They can wade through sewage to steal designer clothers and bikes, but can't make it to a shelter? come on!

Pets? I will put a fucking dog down today and go to the pound tomorow to get another one, they are fuking companion animals, not people. Do you feel bad that you ate a cheeseburger too? aww poor cow, lets morn the loss of our midday meal shall we? Fuck the Dogs, let them die with the looters, save the humans. Oh and get me a pistrami on whole wheat with mustard and kraut! MOOOooo

I lived in Kansas in '92 My parents lived in Missouri, I watched the water lappiing up the steps of the Jefferson memorial arch and on TV as levy after levy broke. I stood in sandbag lines untill I colapsed trying to protect some dumb ass farmers corn who planted in a flood plain. I scraped mud off the floor of my friends coffee house in downtown KC after the water went down, I know what they are going through and it fucking sucks, but that is no excuse to wander the streets looking for shit to steal, and people to shoot.

I have stayed off these threads to spare your sensetive eyes my opinion, but fuck blame at this point, that dosn't help anyone. Billy how in the fuck does a 16 year old kid have $3,600 to donate? you fucking steal childrens lawn toys for kicks, but you have a bankroll like that?

FYI they had ships loaded 2 weeks ago for this storm with 800 bed floating hospitals on the way in as soon as they Gulf was calm enough for them to move up the coast, they just didn't realize they needed 50 of them when they preped 4.


New Member

Hmmm, I agree with daddy on all his points, flooding sucks, and whats follows in a bad one is extremely bad.

As for the looting whatever, loot the grocery stores, but walmart, man.

"Hey,i know!, ill starve for a week or two but let me get them shotguns form the wal-mart case."

That goes to show how human we really are, soemthing outta this world.
It really hurts my head to think about what exactly goes through a persons mind to do that in this obvious time of crisis.

And geez, all the poeple shooting shit and going crazy is all the druggies and alcoholics and shit and they cant get there buzz so they literally go insane and start shooting people and like daddy said, stealing, from a hospital!

The shit is starting to look like Fallout down there.(if you dunt know wheat fallout is, google it.)

I cant believe im saying it but man, martial law would be a good call right about now. Usually im big a human rights no matter the situation, but its kind of obvious that the social services and systems down there has been obliterated. It seems the response to this entire thing is really slow and lacking.

This is way worse than 9/11, I know some of you may disagree and yeah 9/11 was absolutely horrifying, we even sparked a war because of the outrage we all felt as americans so dont fry me for that but it is naturally, economically, and socially worse. It seemed that 9/11 had the quickest national response imaginable, it all happened so fast and this is all very very slow and mundane.

No i guess im wrong about that 9/11 was very bad, and its economic and social after-affects are still active even now.

I guess this is just as nearly bad as 9/11 then.

If martial law doesnt happen in the next 48 hours I will be VERY surprised.

I know (and so do most of you) that we are NOT hearing everything that should be told. I wonder how dark and deep this shit will really go.
I fear this event, this thing that is brewing on the south is going to open up alot of peoples eyes to stuff that weve been closed off to. Im willing to bet here and now, we are watchign the early stages of the downplaying of bush. He will probably fry for alot of the crap thats going on directly related or not, somehow its just really predictable right now, maybe because im more aware of the world or because its the vicious little cycle of politics making a spin?

If I was religious, Id' pray for the people of louisiana and tell god to go to hell. (but how would that work?)

And damnit, I always wanted to go to fucking marti gras. Beads are officially collectable.




New Member
Well guys im going down in 2 days at 3 am im flying into Houston and then we are being taken to Baton Ruge to help out before those fucking looters get there. We are gunna be brought there by helicopter or some kind of transport.
When i say we i mean school founded releif program. When there we are to distribute Food, clothes, Medicine, and if it is needed we will help people board up windows and doors to help keep the fucking looters out
And yes i would agree with you digi this worse then 911. Because the heroism of the police and firfighters and doctors is not going to help, right now down there its lawless people are being shot so others can syphon the gas out of theyre car. It is something takin right out of war of the worlds. Absolute fucking chaos. And now as i watch the news im hearing there are snipers on the rooftops. If the terrorists would strike again this would be like the second shot to the head with a deagle.
2 gas stations stoped selling gas here today, most are $4.29 as of 6:30pm for regular unleaded. It was $3.62 when I filled my van up last week. I heard tonight that 10 refineries are shut down now (not just the 2 in La.) Hold on to your ankles kids, its not gona be a fun winter. My fuel oil company refused to deliver to me saying the prices are going up faster than they can pump it out of the truck.

My wife just got home, make that $4.59 by 7:40pm