

New Member
What's really interesting about the system..and kind of disturbing is the fact that mostly lower income people play the lottery in hopes of winning it big and getting out of near poverty. It's this lower class that is in effect funding the middle classe's college education. So I can thank all the single moms that work 60 hours a week just to raise kids that are never going to go to college for funding my education.


New Member
Deviant said:
I dont want to hear your shit Heaton, I just finished my 4th semester and I still have 6 to go!

Its all good Dev, alot of people are on the 5 yr program... some are actually on 6, 7, 8,........ hell it doesn't matter how long you stay in school. As long as you finish. Once you finish, you'll want to go back! The real world is full of BILLS! BILLS SUCK! I hate bills!

But yea, great job Hypnos!


New Member
Hypnos said:
What's really interesting about the system..and kind of disturbing is the fact that mostly lower income people play the lottery in hopes of winning it big and getting out of near poverty. It's this lower class that is in effect funding the middle classe's college education. So I can thank all the single moms that work 60 hours a week just to raise kids that are never going to go to college for funding my education.

I've always thought of the irony in this, too.

It's almost too perfect - a government implemented system that funds education for the middle classed through funding provided by lower classed habitual ticket scratchers. I guess that's why runnin' numbers is so big - fuck a middleman and paying for suckas like Hypnos to get schooled. When MY numbers drop, I'm taking all you other unlucky fuckers money. Period.

But that's all hypothetical - I don't play the lottery. And I'm not enrolled.

Fuck The Man.