DiLLa said:...
are you? lol
No but I didn't want to "out" you out of the closet....
j/k again...
DiLLa said:...
are you? lol
slick said:I hope I'm not gonna live in a tent in january.
blze said:it'll have to wait to this weekend for pics. details, like what? agenda?
what do you want to know? seating arrangements?
Only thing I have to buy are the switches and rent tables and chairs.
i figure we will supply those and the cables from switch to switch and you
bring your own ethernets (should only have to reach about 6 ft.). We are
wiring this for wired routing only, if you only have wireLESS, let me know
now as we will have to adjust (really dont know shit about this and would
like to avoid it). probably only run cz, 1.6 and bf2. does anyone have
a linux box they can use as a server? only needs like p3 in it. we have
enough, just backups are a good idea. i think eggs and my other boy
borgis are gonna help with the networking, if anybody else has been
around and seen this done before their help/services would be greatly
appreciated and not go unnoticed.
ok, pricing:
how does $25 a head sound for the weekend? the guy who owns the location is
not gonna charge us, but i would like to 'take care of him' somehow, it is
nice what he is doing for us. all i would like to do is come close to breaking
even, this isnt about the money--yet, but thats a whole other story taht
i might get into with you when your down here.
further more, i will post up a physical address so you guys can look for
hotels or whatever--BUT--this place can supposedly accomodate a shit
ton of people (i want ot see for myself before i confirm this with you) and
will have running water, heat, etc... so, hopefully tents and sleeping bags
will suffice for sleeping arrangements (like we sleep on the weekends...).
this will be solved hopefully on saturday. i apologize for delaying this, its
hard to get myself, kevin, and the owner of the building all together at the
same time this time of year.
look, i want us all to be on the same page about how we treat this place
again. i know we want to play beer pong and burn couches but are we
doing this to play? thats the whole reason for this. like i dont want to
have to run to the store because some dipshit was shotgunning a beer
and blew it out of his nose on my keyboard. shit aint gonna happen,
rest assured.
i guess i just want us all to be clear that it is not a college party with gaming
in 'the background'. its about the games and if we have a few beers and
shot or 2 of jager, so fucking be it.
so, if you dig, let us know, myself or dilla with the list. its gonna be a sweet
ass time i think. i have said i am open to suggestions about any aspect
of this and i dont think i have heard the first serious suggestion. burning
couches does not count. we want to have teams, tournaments, etc, what?
im not real creative right now as i feel like shit, so help me out a lil until
i recover. my bad for making it seem like no progress is happening, its
the holidays and im busy as hell.
Deviant said:Febreeze.
Deviant said:Febreeze.
Deviant said:Dude, my soccer bag stunk to damn bad for febreeze, I could use a half bottle and you could still smell the stink over the febreeze. I guess that's what happens when you don't wash it for 6 years.....