EDotA: the plague of Dota


New Member
Not if one of your teams is a noob.
But discuss this in another thread.
Anyways, I'll only play DotA in all random. Preferably all random death match. This way people are made to think more and it's a lot tougher than just selecting the hero you're great at.


New Member
yes many of the modes are dumb for instnace, the ppl that enjoy playing the game have gotten into such a rush that they made shortmode to make it go quicker


New Member
Well im sad to say i enjoy playing dota...yes its tru.But anyways Dota is dieing even if very slowly. Maps are being hosted less and less frequently depending on the time of day you are on and even when a map is hosted sometime you don't even get people joining. There are a couple things i dislike about dota. 1 there are many unbalacned heroesand items in dota that can easily turn the tide of battle right at the start. 2 The map is not a noob friendly map when someone new trys to join they get banlisted from the game for sucking so bad or are kick b4 the game even starts. 3 The banlist it is incredably stupid to have one what if you enjoy playing dota but ur parents need the computer??Your not at fault they will banless you for no stupid reason. 4 the programs they have made to determine where people come from and there connection speed probally lag up the game more because by having background programs running it lags ur computer by using more memory. and 4 im almost done. Im just pointing this out for purplepoot because he is on vvacation with no access to a computer. Dota is all stolen.Either from wc3search or from the older versions of dota. You might be wondering why i say the older versions. The original creator did it all by himself then other people stole his map and called it there own then more people stole it and so on and so forth, until you get to people who are now called the "creators". Ok im done think about that for now


New Member
I believe balancing a map like DotA is insanely hard. And there always will be complaining "this guy is imba", "WTF UBER!!1!1!111" etc.

And DotA is hosted much at Northrend, but still its only less than half(if not half) of the maps there. I see less DotAs recently on Northrend, still people tend to join nearly instantly after making one.


New Member
USEast and West are both starting to get tired of DotA...but DotA is still at least half the games hosted.
And I totally agree on the point that DotA is stolen. I've played really old versions of DotA...and the bases were the other corners. DotA is only popular because of it's history. And it will continue to be popular due to that.


New Member
well im not on bnet so much these days, im mostly playing guildwars, callofduty or working on maps... but yes the maps are stolen 3.7 was done by some guy (dont remember) the 5.XX series was done by a different guy and now icefrog has taken over....


New Member
Good news(for me): I spotted only 3-4 games of DotA on Northrend. :D

And i thought the original maker was Guinsoo(heard his versions are super crap too).

Also i wonder what map could be such a hype if DotA loses popularity(that will happen, sooner or later, as U_L said). Frankly i hope no map will become as popular as DotA in the future.


New Member
Well if a map does become as popular as Dota lets hope its a good and well made map.A pretty popular map other then dota is Human vs Orcs and i enojoy that alot even if there are still bugs that need fixing.


New Member
I believe IceFrog is the current "maker" of it right now and that guinsoo created the original. Anyway if there was to be a map as big or bigger i would hope its Medieval Builders Created by Shigee and Purplepoot and ieveryone who plays it loves it just unfortunatly very few people who have the map can accually host.


New Member
The only reason that DotA is so popular is that most of the hosts don't want to play anything else. If more hosts got into different games, good bye DotA supremacy.
EDIT: I'd also like to say that that original DotA at sear.ch is not the original, some guy edited it.
Besides that, you can't dl it, some kind of Server Error. >.>