

New Member
i have a question.

who is entertained by the bullcrap i ahve to hear about on the news and read about in the paper about celebs?

OMG jolie and her cousin had sex!!!!

Pitt and his ex that he broke up with 4 years ago are fighitng!!!!!

o NO!!!! some stupid 18 your old slut cut her leg!!!!


/end rant


New Member
I so have to agree. And what about that dead chick that died like what? 8 years ago? That john bene girl. Thats in some tabloid like every other day. And it's always the same picture of this 5 year old girl all whored up looking 20. And they wonder why she died? If your going to make your child into a piece or meat for the pagent world to view and disect. Dont be shocked when bad stuff happens. Especialy if you make the girl look like a street tramp at the age of 5.

Oh yeah... whoops,,, started ranting... stupid tabloids.



New Member
cas i think about that shit everyday when i get to the office and hit up cnn. im like "who the fuck gives a fuck that jessica dipshit has a b-day this week?"

maybe that is the allure(sp), we just keep coming back bc we cant figure out who really cares about this shit...


New Member
there has to be something put out there to keep your minds occupied. something has to keep you from thinking about what's really going on in the world.
psychonaut13 said:
there has to be something put out there to keep you minds occupied. something has to keep you from thinking about whats really going on in the world.

thats all it is, if we thought about the wiretaps, the illegal invasions, the polution, coruption, we would kill all the polititians and lawyers. so we get entertainment instead of information to fill our brains. you will hear more people talking about the movie that saw than whet happened at thier local governments closed door meetings. and the poeple that do talk about local or national politics are so out of touch with the street and world its a wast of time telling them they are wrong.

I meet alot of ignorant people that don't care whats happening around them, but alot more dumb people that do, and do nothing about it.


New Member
RaNcid said:
omg "jolie and her cousin had sex!!!!" I'm so looking into that!
You are simply watching the wrong channels. I refuse to watch even for second that bullshit because it only feeds on you.



New Member
JustAnotherStayAtHomeDad said:
psychonaut13 said:
there has to be something put out there to keep you minds occupied. something has to keep you from thinking about whats really going on in the world.

thats all it is, if we thought about the wiretaps, the illegal invasions, the polution, coruption, we would kill all the polititians and lawyers. so we get entertainment instead of information to fill our brains. you will hear more people talking about the movie that saw than whet happened at thier local governments closed door meetings. and the poeple that do talk about local or national politics are so out of touch with the street and world its a wast of time telling them they are wrong.

I meet alot of ignorant people that don't care whats happening around them, but alot more dumb people that do, and do nothing about it.

i feel that, both of yall. and, the MTV generation is like me isnt it? like beavis and butthead were when i was in hs, i saw the beastie "fight foryour right" vid on world premier, member those? lolololololol.

more on topic, i got kinda lost at the end about peeps who talk politics being out of touch with the street then the waste of time part, like that sentence lost me. i cant tell which side thats arguing. i agree that they are out of touch with the streets and maybe we as humans feel we have to "fit in" with everyone (street) so we avoid learning about the important stuff (politics). we also, as a whole, dont like to learn, we like everyday to be "simple". the "street" is much easier, mentally, than trying to understand law and politics. like, a teenager can figure out the streets, but will have a real hard time figuring out the politics. is that what you meant? maybe? telling who what is wrong i think is what cornfuses me. anyhoo, holla.


New Member
ya everyone is bringing up good points. however i disagree that it is a distraction. i think it is more jsut another way to make a profit fomr some loser.

and that jolie comment was as fake as the enquirer....i made it up.

and omni i dont watch TV to me is it a friutless waste of time... at least when im gaming i have to use my head, and think of strats. gaming takes work, and boosts your coordination and your level of awareness.


New Member
I don't watch TV either. It kills you. I only watch movies, but even then I only watch ones which are highly recommended to me.

I'd have to strongly agree with Casualty about the video games.


New Member
I say we all get an 8-ball each and just smoke that fuker until we don't git the shit about them Follywood fuckstains.......